Sh0w pending

“If someone wants to eat, they can” makes sense because it refers to a singular among an unknown multitude that could be male or female. However, if you tell me to “make extra food because they want to eat” then my first response is to ask how many people am I preparing food for?

I’ve got serious mental health issues and I’ve managed to go decades without advancing on cops pointing guns at me, telling me to stop and drop my weapon. I don’t care if it was only a Leatherman, I could fuck someone up with a flat head screwdriver and this jackass yelled “shoot me.” Stop pretending what Schultz did

Isn’t the whole point of suicide-by-cop that the suicidal person is willing to do whatever they need to do to get the lethal response? This case is sad, but come the fuck on, the kid is yelling “shoot me” at cops with guns drawn and chooses to advance on the woman. Why should LEO give this person the benefit of the

Your comment on NYC is way off. Typical shit reporting on Splinter didn’t show the whole scene. Take look at my previous comments re: the NYC shooting.

whose preferred gender pronouns are they or them

She didn’t call out racism; she called Trump a white supremacist. Trump is an immoral person, an opportunist, a buffoon, and many other things. He even emboldens white supremacists, neo Nazis, the KKK.

Isn’t that a bad example? He came back to the NFL and made millions and if I remember he even is a sports “personality” on one of the shows and/or repeated guest on various sports talk shows. Some people won’t forgive him but he was able to serve his sentence and then get back into a job where only a few can even get

If Google and YouTube existed during the 1700's, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere, and George Washington would have had their accounts terminated.

It is kind of scary now that Google and Youtube basically control all the information in the world. They can deny or give access to it however they feel with no accountability. Wow! Kind of a sobering thought.

Sounds to me like the reviewer didn’t like her content and wanted to silence her.

This is the problem when you create a monopoly. Not only is it problematic to have only one major video hosting site, but also tying it in with all the other major cloud services. We need to diversify the ecosystem.

It sounds like they’re suing on antitrust grounds, so not sure if the speech stuff will even factor into this suit.

Antifa. Done.

> The Russians didn’t murder six million Jews and thousands of others, including gay people and Catholics. I think you’re safe.

Oh, I get it — you know absolutely nothing about history.

I don’t give two squirts if you don’t pull me out of the greys, as if Kinja actually matters, it’s a system that literally fosters group think like Reddit, clap for yourself all you want but that’s what it is.

No, you’re right.

No, I’m pretty sure plenty have died in russia for being gay.

Nope just their own Russians.

Are Commies okay? Can we come as Superman: Red Son?