Sh0w pending

Thank you for the logical and restrained comment.

No is ‘hit him with the taser’. Get a grip. This is the classic problem with folks like you viewing this kind of real workd experience.

The problem really is how the media handles showing this video. Most news outfits are not showing the full 15 minutes of video...they only show the last few minutes of the incident when the shots are fired. That can drastically change the reader’s view and opinion of what really happened in that apartment. You know

Not sure why the owners or players union would agree to this.

I think the context in which Manning’s data dump happened is important in analyzing the situation.

Manning was part of a signals intelligence unit; as such, she would have had to have held a Top Secret clearance, at a minimum. Those things are significantly more difficult to come by than we sometimes let on. In order

I would only add that there doesn’t appear to be any particular qualification for Manning to be offered this Visiting Fellowship, other than she is well known as a part of the Wikileaks dump. If Harvard wants to offer this to a divisive figure in the national security field, it would have made more sense to offer

Definitely didn’t have anything to do with Manning punching a female officer and being angry about her job. It was pure!

I find this sort of blind hero worship fascinating. It seems posts like this are meant to purposely drawing the commentariat into revealing the real world isn’t a unicorn farting in a rainbow dusted field of dreams.

But let us not selectively revise history to drive a narrative.

Oh FFS...I know that nuance is a terribad thing, but can we at least take a fucking stab at it?

I’m going to preface this by saying that rescinding Manning’s visiting fellowship was a cowardly move on the part of Harvard; if they’d had misgivings about her previous actions or her place in the national discourse, they would’ve done better to never extend the invitation in the first place than to offer it and then

Maybe you need a lesson on the difference between facts and opinions. Lots of worksheets accessible here. Most are intended at preschoolers, but maybe that’s what this country actually needs to start at in the way of education before we can fix our country?


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Maybe they just reeeaaaallly hated watching censored music videos on Youtube.

Lets pretend for a second I just discovered this fact (I didn’t).

So call it out more! More studies! We learned in 2016 that woman can hold very oppressive and outdated views of themselves. And that horrible thinking wasn’t exclusive to white woman either.

How would you rank: Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook...who has the biggest skanky workplace for women?

Which is ironic since the memo was alleging the exact reverse.

I’m in Silicon Valley, so I’m going to be following what’s discovered very, very closely. I won’t be able to read the full 18 pages until I get home, but I am intrigued by the specific allegations about job ladders. I didn’t understand this until I heard a