Sh0w pending

I agree that the situations don’t really compare, but...

Nothing, or everything, depending on your world view.

If you’re white, you are racist and a white supremacist by default - nothing you can do about it. If you’re a POC that doesn’t hold specifically appropriate woke beliefs, you are racist. If you don’t hate white people enough, you’re a white supremacist.

Ok, sounds good, racist

That might just be because you’re a fucking imbecile.

It does?

Honest question: What is the difference between this situation and Curt Schillings firing? I’m as big a Schilling hater as they come, but I am having a hard time understanding how his sharing certified dank memes is any different from what Hill tweeted out. Both on personal accounts.

Not if they enforce no mask rules.

European Jews are, now how is Ben Shapiro a White Supremacist? And what is a White Supremacist in our god forsaken current year.

Yes, because when I think of White Supremacy I think of a conservative Jew. Say does anyone want to define White Supremacy for me. I feel like it’s been “re-defined” like racism. Newspeak is hard to keep up with nowadays.

Short answer: Censor everyone.. except them.

You need to check these articles before you post them unless you are expecting us to be your editors.

I understand this response the most. But you have to excuse my being direct before. I understand every writer here is his/her own person, but the messaging around Facebook and fake news over the last year has been very loud on Gizmodo. The blame is on Facebook for allowing it to happen. For not fixing the problem

I’ve got to ask, and I hope for an honest answer, but what do you want Facebook to do? You seem to grasp that its in almost unsolvable problem, and yet you continue to put the entire onus on Facebook. I have never seen a company try so hard to fix a problem that we all, including you in this article, know is

Is this how one determines all white people are racist? Because they deny it? If that’s the metric, the puritans have good tests to confirm this sort of thing.

This is what happens when you pressure everyone to identify as a feminist, which Jezebel has been doing for years.

If this is all true, kindly explain why (white) Linda Cohn was suspended (not reprimanded, not chided, but actually suspended) for simply saying that there’s too much politics on ESPN?

Curt Schilling was fired by ESPN for comments on social media regarding his political views, as was Hank Williams Jr..

man. Watching the outrage over this whole thing has been a little baffling. As a left-leaning Independent, if that were an employee of mine at a company where alienating people no matter what they believe was of the utmost importance, I’d say her tweets crossed a line too. I honestly have no problem with the apology

This is just what we need: another website turned political. Is there anyplace on the internet left where we can escape it?