Sh0w pending

I think you over estimate the number of these types of stores and the use of the term. I am willing to bet that most people dont live anywhere near one of these mom and pop places and are not familiar with the term bodega. Where I live the term is non-existent and all the store you describe are also gas stations.

And where will they put the payphone that lets you call anywhere in Latin America for 49 cents a minute?

“Closing the borders and embracing isolationism means more economic prosperity for Americans (read: white people) struggling with economic anxiety, in Trump’s logic.”

How is it possible that “journalists” can’t open a dictionary and look up the definition of racism? Oh, that’s right, it’s click bait for hacks.

She isn’t trying to be. She is.

3 trials. 0 convictions. One was even a bench trial with a black judge. Why should DoJ pursue this?

“Sorry but making middle aged white people feel better about their failings in life is no longer part of my job description.”

Isn’t Curt Schilling millions in debt because he spent all his baseball money making horrible video games?

There are consequences on both sides. Ever heard of Curt Schilling?

Both Trump and Hill are utterly awful at their current jobs.

I think we need to find issues that can bring us all together as a society. Like getting rid of Columbus, Ohio.

It’s a reference to a gif where someone is hitting a dead horse with a stick.

Does deadspin implode if no one comments about Kaep?

Kids that didn’t vote because of their age are not allowed to have political beliefs, they must “be trolling”? Ok, then neither are people that didn’t vote even though they’re old enough.

Yes, because people can’t have political views. I sub at a middle school and see kids wearing Marx shirts, Darwin Fish eating Jesus Fish shirts, and Che Guevara shirts. I see a few wearing Trumpian shirts. Outside of Che Guevara (“The shirt looks cool” - the morons) shirts, all the shirts are worn for political

A math teacher compares MAGA to swastikas and Nazi’s. It sounds like she was not teaching math. If the shirts were a disruption then it should have been left as that. “Disruptive attire is not allowed.” Pretty simple but she took the bait, acted unprofessionally, and was fired.

Teachers, in fact do not have the right to enforce a dress code based on their personal political beliefs. The law is well settled on this matter.

There would be a fair number of people who would say that wearing Obama slogan shirts would have been trolling and disruptive in 2009 or 2013.

Expressing her distaste for Trump is one thing, but perhaps the teacher shouldn’t have told the students that their shirts were “not allowed in the class” without first getting approval from the school administration and a lawyer who specializes in First Amendment issues in the public sphere.