Sh0w pending

Become vegan because of cruelty to the animals raised for consumption, but wear their skinned hydes because reasons..

Yeah, intelligent people look at things in the most binary way possible, great point.

The VIP membership promises a real life orgy as long as you have the storage space..

Lol, that is the wrong cover photo for this argument.

Lol almost a perfect comment but you failed to mention it is indoctrination both ways.

Here in about 10 minutes I am going to head out to Jack in the box, can someone tell me if I will be supporting any unseen sinister motives when I order a spicy chicken sandwich for lunch.

Uh oh, looks like more controversy

Hmm, so Jane didn’t shriek hysterically about climate change, spoke about teaching people how to combat poverty, and denied that her ideas were dismissed because she is a woman..

“just STFU and get on board with the group think”


Nah bruh, we are currently facing certain death under the US regime, are you some kind of nazi or something?!?

Give it time, eventually there will be no grays, and we will reign supreme!!

So, suicide by cop.

Russia must have had a mole on the inside, how else would they know the exact facebook groups to target with their illegal memes and thus gain the presidency?

You’re right, in this case one of the two convicted rapists ended up being the biggest victim in the end.

It is amazing just how much of GMG’s content calls for people, or in this case publications, to stop sharing their opinions on things.

Bruh, if the gizmodo bloggers don’t follow suit they wont be invited to the christmas party

Unrelated, but his father was recently killed while trying to assassinate a judge in Ohio that had ruled against him in a civil suit.