Sh0w pending

They put the white flag at the end of the pole, so at least they are legally transporting it.

(Crosses fingers)

Keep it simple, supporting the sport of football in any way is supporting white supremacy, as the NFL is the pinnacle of all things football.


“What about my feelings, I will have my revenge.”


Crabs in a bucket theory confirmed.

Clay Travis is right.

At this point I want any owner to agree to put up with the Kaep circus.

Her “friends” got her wasted and sold her out for (not gonna say it) 200$ and use of a car for a while..

Corporate media blogger uses platform to support censorship, collects bi-weekly check.

Hey! What happened to the interesting comment thread, was it deleted?

I don’t know, calling breitbart a part of the establishment seems like projection to me.

Collinsworth doesn’t realize it, but he actually does more harm than good.

We’ve only seen it like 10,000 times on deadspin

Time for a war on memes!!

Um, in the states curfews for minors are pretty typical and have been around for decades in many places..

The argumemt is good for the feels though, and these stories serve as a bat-signal of sorts, that shines across all lands of the kinjaverse calling the virtuous superheroes to come and save the day.