Cybernetic Ghost

You know what was awesome about Paul Pierce? Kevin Garnett.

My favorite part of this article is the description “former Washington Wizard.” 


I get it, man. Waiting on lab results is a harrowing experience. 

Oh, for fuck’s sake, with the goddamn polar bear already. Why is that always the default question when someone brings up all the things they missed on the show and/or didn’t bother looking up? I know this stuff isn’t obvious, but come on. It’s all been readily available online for nearly a decade.

I take a healthy dose of fiber supplement daily. Cup of coffee and a tall glass of water first thing, and 99% of the time I can have a complete and satisfying purge on my own throne before I leave the house.

This is more clarification than I ever could have hoped to receive and I thank you for it. 

No, that is “Me cago en la leche de madre”

Everyone I talked to was baffled when the Hawks cut Q, agreeing that he was not the problem, but it’s nice to see him following the life path of retirement-age Chicagoan, fleeing the deadly winter cold (literally, this year) for the Grapefruit League. Plus, he already looks like a Cuban great-uncle.

I’ll preface with: It’s a dark and rainy Monday morning here.

Another delightful Kessel post. Remember when a who fanbase thought Kessel was a disgruntled asshole? Turns out it was the fans who were the assholes the whole time!

Khabib really needs to learn that the best response is nothing. 1) I suspect it would get under Conor’s skin; 2) refusing to give him another fight is actually fairly powerful at this point. He already embarrassed him once.

For most of high school, my “wife” was also a towel.

Pictured: many, many people who would gleefully and without a second’s hesitation defect from their jobs to a rival company if the rival company paid them more.

Boo the Lerners, who could have easily afforded to pay Harper and chose not to. 

Nats fan here. First, I honestly don’t blame Bryce one bit for signing with the Phillies. Their offer was objectively better, and if I was in his shoes I’d do the exact same thing. Anyone who’s is truly upset by that is a lunatic.

May no man ever attempt to succeed in his chosen profession, or in life, by means of moving for a raise” -Sports Fans

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