Cybernetic Ghost

Stick to commenting!

Honestly, I’m amazed the pic doesn’t have their laptop monitors facing the camera, giving away sensitive information.

David, I wish to register a complaint. You’ve filed this story to Politics, but this is erroneous, as this is clearly a Sports Story.

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

“LeBron Recite NBA Games From Memory For Me, Coward”

Billy Joel is the autoplay Farmers Insurance ad of rock radio.

Very nice of them to go shirts and skins to tell them apart in that video apparently taken with a toaster. My kingdom for a pixel.

Sign for a kid, he sells it on ebay once.  Dunk on a kid, he has a bar story for life.

Kolašinac maniacally (some might say recklessly) charging into danger while Özil flees is everything about Arsenal, tied up into a failed carjacking/robbery.

The only thing that would’ve been more Arsenally would have been if Mustafi showed up late and inexplicably ran into the robbers, knocking them over in front of

That was its strength in my book.

But no mention of John Elway, who ran for over 3,400 career yards looking like a horse?

My RPE scale goes to 11. 

Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.

I also believed, for some reason, that a celebrity chef (no idea who) was killed at the same bar the night I bashed my skull in. And that I was a person of interest in that chef’s death. Please know that no famous chef died that night

Shut up, ben. 

“TODAY was one of the WORST days I’ve had in a VERY long time.”
Imagine leading such a charmed life that the impact of the NBA Draft lottery could have this kind of impact on you.  I’m just saying Steven A. may gain some life perspective by talking to someone like Floyd Mayweather’s ex.

This is everything I could have ever wanted from a Werner Herzog 11 Questions and more.

Maybe it’s just me but aren’t we sort of conflating the ideas of madness and evil? Killing innocent people in war is evil but not necessarily madness. Genghis Khan killed so many people in his conquesting that he altered the Earth’s environment but we think of him as a grade A jerk, not a funhouse lunatic. There was a

Capital One giving out free coffee and snacks is amateur hour. My dry cleaner gives out free hot dogs on the weekend so I grabbed one, got in my car, took a bite and it immediately shat mustard all over my thighs and shorts.  Now THAT is playing the long game bitches.