Cybernetic Ghost

Classic self burn.

The timeout must have worked, as the Spurs went on a 132-117 run after stopping the Wizards’ momentum.

Now playing

Still doesn’t hold a candle to the time that Pop called a Hack-a-Shaq 5 seconds into the season.

That’s just good hustle by Witten, no way that thing fits in a standard trash can in one piece.

Comment is at odds with username.

The NFL can’t fine Sharp for this act- it falls under the Rex Ryan exclusion.

Back in high school I seldom was successful in getting to my goal, so I always went home and settled for Mr. Socko.

He laid out Pat Patriot because that Jets fool can’t maul Steely McBeam.

Browns Marketing Executives: “Well, that #dp promotion sure didn’t work. I wonder how our new Browns-branded debit card with unlimited withdrawals from automated teller machines is being received on social media. Hey Kyle, let’s put the feed back up but change the search to Brown ATM, ok?”

Fulham Goes Full HAM

Caps Snatch Defeat From Jaws

Drew, McKenna and I repaired to a bad DuPont Circle bar to commiserate.

this is an excellent comment

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

Without questioning whether the kid acted as awfully as portrayed, I must say that the lead speaker in the “Black Israelite cult,” without a doubt a fully grown man, comes off as the most vile, inflammatory person in the video.

The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo. 

If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”

Can anyone else admit that he was a great QB? I feel like I’m alone on this train. All of my friends have forsaken me. My kids don’t respect me. My wife... well, she’s great, actually.

Yeah, but Kyrie’s won a championship.  Compared to the other guys, he’ll always have an edge.

Assuming some of us survive hellworld for however much longer the trump administration lasts and we begin to reverse the effects of forthcoming climate disaster, the Coen Brothers’ script for Erdogan and the contemplated kidnapping of Gulen (by Trumpster Mike Flynn and his Failson) keeps getting better.