
This ep (especially the ending) was weird and surreal, even by the standards of this weird, surreal show (that I generally enjoy).

Here's hoping for a reappearance of Jaqen H'gar 2.0!

…Or are they? I seem to remember a certain coin being used to deadly effect by the assassin formerly known as Arya.

Dany is (or was) Oberyn's sister-in-law after his sister Elia married Dany's older brother Rhaegar.
…Young Griff/ Aegon is the genuine article, then he would be Oberyn's nephew as the son of Rhaegar and Elia.

I'm much sadder than the rest of you!

The only way I can deal with this tragic news is to die in hot lava and be replaced by a less emotional clone…

This was Miles's first appearance on the series as far as I can tell. Are we meant to think he is Malik's little brother we've just never heard anything about?

I mentally envisioned the spelling to be L'Afrique, as in they could plausibly have roots in a Francophone part of Africa.

Nothing can save Mr. Banks!!

UGH I loved Enlisted…Fox never truly gave it a chance on a good night…

And with that screenshot I can confirm that the body of the article is irrelevant to the episode - it's a story about a court decision involving a Panamanian oil company.

"We split up the ship. I took starboard and he took the other one."
"I got the starboard and she got…the other side."

I kinda thought the cast still looked much too pretty in the newspaper photo (i.e., the photo above the review) to have been trapped in one room for three days…

All I could read was the headline: Turistas Salvajes Encontrados: Wild Tourists Found. The newspaper is called "Las Noticias de Todo" : The News of Everything.

What shocking climactic moments for episode 9 would there be for a season that stops halfway through the Feast/Dance combo? OMG Tyrion fell in the river?!? Dany still can't decide whether to marry Hizdahr zo Loraq?!? WHOA Reek, Reek still rhymes with other words?

Even if they ended up doing 8 seasons, do you really believe they'd spend two seasons on Tyrion's endless journey in Essos without him arriving to his destination? Two seasons of Arya's training? Two MORE seasons of Brienne wandering around looking for Sansa (which she's already spending half of this season doing)?

Ah, I see what you mean. I missed where Red_Identity wrote "remind us."

Aside from the fact that so much of the filler in AFFC and ADWD can be condensed or omitted, here's why Season 6 is emphatically not going to be the second half of Books 4/5: HBO and the showrunners have said publicly that their intention is to wrap the show up in 7 seasons. They have GRRM's outline for how the books

Huh? It did so this very episode…

I don't remember a Sansa double… (Book 4&5 spoilers) I do remember Jeyne Poole being sent North as fake Arya to marry Ramsey Bolton, though.