
I'm pretty confident that the books so far have given no indication of mines running dry.

Yes. He definitely is a member as of ASOS.

Nymeria only ruled in Dorne, though (together with her Martell husband), not all of Westeros.

And by one full season, I presume you mean one short, six-episode first season like The Office had.

I believe you are 100% correct.

Leslie was still Deputy Director of the Parks Department both during and after her stint on City Council, although it did seem like the show itself forgot that at times (like when Leslie got Ben fired from Sweetums and she said they were both unemployed).

If you read Sepinwall's interview with Mike Schur, Schur indicates it will be set in 2017: "there will be the opportunity, should we be so inclined, to make jokes and references to what we imagine the cultural and political landscape to be in 2017."

We actually don't get any info in this episode of what Tom is up to after the time jump.

I must admit, when I heard Andy strumming the opening of "5,000 Candles," I briefly worried they were going back to that well one too many times (having also reprised the song at Leslie and Ben's wedding). However, with the hologram, an all-star lineup of singers reminiscent of "We are the world" (except this might

♪ a rut, the show was in it, a rut, but get ready for a time ju-u-ump… ♪

Heck, Parks itself has had previous season finales (as well as "Leslie and Ben") that could have been very satisfying series finales.

I'm holding out hope for flashbacks of his character interspersed throughout the season.

I loved Power Rangers original version as a kid. Then adult me happened to catch an old episode and was overcome with cognitive dissonance at how objectively bad it was. Other shows I used to like such as Duck Tales or Animaniacs still hold up pretty well though I think.

You are a treasure not unlike America's National Parks.

My message to Craig: get on your feet and off my TV screen.

yep— according to Mike Schur, they will continue from the time jump.

On the bright side, he WILL have edited several more anthologies and published "A Feast of Ice and Fire" volumes 2 and 3!

Re: Tammy 2 — According to Sepinwall's interview with Michael Schur, there was a longer subplot with Tammy 2 that was cut for time. It involved Ron and Diane conspiring to prank her and Jamm and should be included in the producer's cut on and/or Hulu tomorrow.

Mr. Ginuwine, with all due respect, Lil' Sebastian was not a pony; he was a MINIATURE HORSE!

Technically that lady worked for National Parks Service rather than a city government, so just make it "government officials" and I'll co-sign this!