
I’ve been watching season 2 of Community and I just got to the episode where Pierce is in the hospital. It reminded me a whole lot of The Good Place, with the demonic Pierce coming up with the perfect ways to torture his friends while disguising them as rewards. (It also reminded me of Parks & Recreation because of

I felt the same way too re: Brain Bunch=Greendale Study Group.

I got some Community vibes from this episode, though that may just have been all the references to The Study Group.

I love that Tahani’s reaction to Eleanor winning $18k was “Better luck next time.” 

I thought that, too! I was like, Who’s this Venezuelan aristocrat with his ham sandwich?!?

Know any Venezuelans? I do. The stories they tell about what they left back home are not pretty Heartbreaking, actually.

I interpreted it as “The Good Place” writers inverting Outback Steakhouse so that this time it’s the Australians making a trite, shallow, exaggerated and distorted caricature of America into a middle-tier table service restaurant chain instead of the other way around.

I think you mean flawless.

My take on The Good Place is this - as long as Michael Schur’s in charge it will be great (and he’s not going to leave obviously). Parks and Rec’s run was so well-planned that nearly each season-ending episode could have worked as a season finale, if no renewal happened. Look at The Good Place - he did the same thing

BvS was Synder’s movie and that was a trainwreck. One of the absolute worst movies I’ve ever watched, and because of that I did not see JL. But from what I’ve heard at least JL is watchable, unlike the movie that completely tarnished the brand. His movie would’ve been 3 hrs of looking at WW’s ass, dream sequences,

It’s amusing to see all the comments on this of mostly dislike and hatred...while even DARING to suggest that TLJ is a bad film gets you dragged through the mud. It’s SO interesting to juxtapose the DCEU movies that everyone LOVES to hate on (even though some of us like them)...with the “You’d better like TLJ or else”

Am I the only one who thinks that a newly-resurrected Superman who fights the rest of the Justice League before realizing his mistake should be a frightened and confused Superman, not an angry and vengeful one?

I am a huge fan of Green Lantern and still have yet to see James Stewart on screen.

JAMES Stewart?

So, has anyone mentioned how great the Justice League animated series were yet? I’m talking Justice League Unlimited and it’s precursor, Justice League. Marvel may be beating DC in the film department, but DC rocks the animated world.

I read somewhere that originally the Evil Tornado that eats Pa Kent was supposed to be the same evil tornado from the end of Twister as a back-door prequel to set up a larger Tornado-verse that Snyder was planning but ultimately scrapped.

Endorsing this take. It would have been bad enough taking over the show and trying to maintain the same tone & dialogue without the salt-the-earth plotting the Palladinos left in their wake.

Nope, just diffused it to a generation of Feminism-exclamation point idiots with more knowledge of 'The New Girl' than Wollstonecraft, ready to misuse it at every turn regardless of context.

Sex-negativity is nothing to be ashamed of. As mentioned on Freaks and Geeks yesterday, moms freak out about that stuff, no matter what your chances of actually having sex are. Besides, with Rory being the Mike Myers to Paris' Kanye, Lorelai deserved to be smug.

I totally agree. What the fuck is up with this "sex-positive" thing? What parent in her right mind wants her high schooler to have sex? Sex positive is all well and good until things go…negative, which, when you're dealing with immature teenagers is quite likely to happen.I guess Lorelai's reaction should have been