
Unless you’re intending to be sarcastic, it sounds like you haven’t been paying to the fact the Chávez/Maduro regime has caused the largest refugee crisis in the history of the Americas, as hundreds of thousands of starving people flee what was once the wealthiest country on its continent. It’s estimated that 4

I read the Infinity Gauntlet storyline and honestly didn’t find the Mistress Death stuff very effective or compelling at all. (SPOILER FOR A DECADES OLD COMIC) Basically all she ever does is be unimpressed and refuse to speak to Thanos.

It was definitely a man with white hair.

“They literally said that they were all going to Medium Places.”- Piecar
Nope. That was Michael and Gen’s first offer. Getting to (apparently) go back to Earth was the alternative after Eleanor rejected waiting in a Medium Place for sometime between a month and a million years.

You mean “she could have *gone*” - sorry, but I couldn’t help making the grimace that Chidi makes when people say “from whence.”

You are correct. Two different robots.

It was a somewhat similar-ish robot, but it 100% was not Yuko from Kimmy Schmidt. For instance, Yuko’s head looks like a helmet and her eyes are circles made out of red lights on a black background where a helmet visor would be. This robot was named Robert, and its head was very different and had green glowing eyes on

The Haunted Crow’s Nest
Or Something
Who Gives A Crap?

En la trilogía original, se podía aceptar que un Imperio malvado tenía un Emperador malvado, pues era lo único del universo Star Wars. Ahora, cuando el séptimo y el octavo episodios deshacen todo lo que se logró al final del sexto con la victoria de la Rebelión, e incluso presentan un nuevo pseudo-emperador, eso exige

Trump blocking people from replying to his posts isn’t comparable to Twitter shutting down his account or to Iran shutting down social media sites in full. If someone trolls Trump and gets blocked they can see the tweets by viewing Twitter not logged in, by creating a second account, or by just reading the many, many

As other people have replied to you already, we didn’t need to know a ton of backstory about the Emperor in the original trilogy because in a new series, you just accept that an Evil Empire has an Evil Emperor. In contrast, TFA and TLJ are coming into a pre-established universe. After the Emperor was killed and the

You are mistaken. The Emperor has a scene where he lands on the second death star in ROTJ and talks to Vader. And his very long sequence with Luke and Vader on the second death star (intercut with the space battle and the Endor moon fight) is the climax of the film.

In our reality, Franken has still not left the Senate. He is not resigning until Jan. 2.

“Is JFK not a major hub?”
Depends on the airline.

The reviewer’s criticism about Collette and Karen didn’t resonate with me at all. I don’t think got a finale spotlight because they were late additions to the show who were never all that important, not because of their orientation. Agree with those who say this was a weak effort and just going through the motions.

I rewatched and noticed the fiancée say it this time. I think you are right that it was a goof by the show, since she said she met him when he swooped in and stole the case of her missing charity donations.

I thought Keith was his fake name on the dating site, just like Hitchcock had a fake name.

“Goose” was probably my favorite joke of the season so far.

In an unexpected bit of NBC comedy synergy, killing baby Hitler also came up on last night’s Superstore.

“would be too much of an outright rejection of Christian theology”

The Good Place/ Bad Place system on this show is not at all reflective of Christian theology, which states that no one can ever be good enough to deserve Heaven without God’s intervention through Christ, who offers forgiveness for all your “negative