
"Dark forces arise!" is my favorite running gag of the season.

Ser Pounce, Paw of the King

If Enlisted is canceled, the terrorists win.

I find Craig more annoying than Jamm, and that's saying something.

You'll never guess which part of this post I liked best.


But your Five was reduced to One-ness in the Great Purge of about two minutes ago.

Tranquility is advancement. A happy Three is a future Four.

"…and that is the correct usage!"

P.S. Other things higher in the work-order queue than "put up bulletin board":
-Downsize trophy case
-Nudge pendulum
-Phase out black traffic cones
-Pressure-wash chalk outlines
-De-alphabetize periodic table
-Restock Fruitopia machines
-Train new switchboard operator
-Install cripple ramp
-Upgrade from Beta to VHS

Sounded normal to me. "Ray-gehn" with a hard g.

"There you go! That should happen in 3-6 business months."
"Any way we could bump that up a little, so it's somewhere above 'Lower flag for Reagan's death'?"

Do the Fat Dog.
It's not made up; it's not made up.

Hey, that was my line!

That's the great thing about British TV.  THEY give you closure.

That's the great thing about British TV.  THEY give you closure.

actually, folks, the family of the guy who got the haircut (who is no longer alive to comment) said he wasn't gay and that the Washington Post article was factually inaccurate about a lot of things…

actually, folks, the family of the guy who got the haircut (who is no longer alive to comment) said he wasn't gay and that the Washington Post article was factually inaccurate about a lot of things…