Get off my... yawn

I’d go with a fine banana wine, but failing that, you can just mix a bunch of different fruit wines together and hope for the best. 

What flavor of fruit wine should be served with a kifla? should it match the accompanying jam, be a contrast, or is there a baseline standard choice? Apricot, for example.

I was really starting to think I was the only one. Gender neutral and as a reference to an abstract/unknown individual. The only change here is that it is also used for a known individual, which does sound strange at first, but is definitely worth getting used to. The key (and part of the strangeness) is that some

I have “grammar snob” tendencies. I am a fan of the Oxford comma. I think that “figuratively” and “literally” mean different things.

The audience was out of hand.  

Pete Davidson - “SNL is like my mom. No matter what I do she never asks me to leave.”

“Let’s Say Grace.” I thought (hoped) Aidy was going to twerk. “Loco” was just insane, loved it.

Or if she kills him at the end of each episode and he comes back as a different guy who annoys her in a different way, but they never address the change in acting or personality and they’re all named Kevin. Like, one episode he is a condescending wannabe intellectual who mansplains concepts to her in front of their

Ew, Kevin!

The Cosby Show?

I’m not sure Kevin James is open to deconstructing how shitty the premise his fortune is based on.

I think Dan is too much like his father, in that he comes from a very different style of improv, one that focuses more on inhabiting the character fully and investigating where that takes you.  SNL is more of an immediate-gag-delivery sort of improv.  Some people are great at both (Martin Short, for example), but most

most of us have had to accept circumstances under which we leave our metaphorical plastic bubbles and risk exposure.

This is a really harsh review! Obviously with SNL there are always jokes or sketches that fall flat, but I haven’t laughed this much watching a new episode in a while.

I thought Phoebe Bridgers suffered from SNL’s usual mixing issues

My takeaway from that was that Terry Gross was kind of up her own ass, but I guess that's her job.

Listen, I love Terry Gross but he had told her on several occasions that he cannot hear himself acting- it’s just too much, it’s too distracting for him. 

I mean, apparently he did ask them not to play clips of him acting/singing and then they played clips of him acting/singing. 

I don’t know, that story about him and Fresh Air doesn’t make him seem like an asshole to me. I don’t think it’s him being up his own ass.

“Wanna watch this movie with me?”