Get off my... yawn

Thank you; it needed to be said that those girls should’ve been shuffled further from the mics. It’s a nationally broadcast live televised show, not Pirates of Penzance at a middle school.

And yet people are doing it, and they themselves are saying “we are doing everything right!” and “we deserve this!”

you’re not typing this slowly enouuggghhh... so, many of you may be surprised by my list, and i really want to hear what you guys have to say, so be sure to comment down below.

Your argument is cogent. It does not also explore that a scant 9 months into a U.S. outbreak, a huge percentage just wanted to be normal again and were pushing social/contagion protocols when in fact there are more “red dots” circulating now than there were in March. The trend does not appear promising for a large

Honest questions - will you live your life more carefully until you are vaccinated? Would you sign a contract stating that if you do get sick from COVID in the meantime, that you can be pushed to the back of the line for medical care if your physician or local hospital needs the space? I am genuinely curious. If you

I haven’t, and now I feel dumb. But I’m excited to try it when we can travel again. 

Editing to add: When you get a good In-n-Out (and they’re not always good - you need the grease), it’s a very, very good burger. I’ve had a couple good Portillo’s hot dogs, but never to the point of like YESSS, it all make sense.

Oof. Recalibrate. I go to Portillo’s every time I’m in Chicago, but it isn’t the same league.

Does lighting the candle at your wedding ceremony in honor of lost loved ones carry even more meaning if you’re the reason they’re gone?

My mother does this for my husband and my birthdays (same month) and Christmas. I’m usually dismissive and busy and don’t have any ideas of my own and only come up with an idea 50% of the time. Though I have taken to just buying things, shipping them to my parents’ house, and telling them that their gift to him or me

Come now. There are absolutely worthless degrees - one should not spend much on an online degree or degree from a no-name or poorly ranked school if it has no ability to assist them in finding a job. There are whole schools people should not consider unless it’s free to attend (and even then, reconsider). Conversely,

Thank you for flagging this. INSANE.

you were so close to a haiku:

Yeah - I would say “so you are refusing medical treatment? Ok, I understand your wishes, I am memorializing them and please sign here.” Maybe videotape that for the inevitable family lawsuits. A medical worker having humanity and a patient being worthy of that humanity are two very different things. I believe in

Smart. I went to the ER during COVID! It was summer and we deliberately chose the outer suburban hospital ER. Wore two masks and brought the bleach wipes. Tried to get my spouse to stay in the car. Good news was that the ER was utterly empty and that area didn’t have hardly any cases at the time. I wouldn’t hang out

Yeah - if you work outside the home, have a kid who leaves the house, have any kind of bubble... you weren’t “doing everything right”. You could still have followed precautions to the best of your circumstances, but this article entirely depends on a subjective definition of “right.”

If “the base” is measured in decibels, maybe. Measured in actual voters, nope. You can get excited Gen Z’ers on screen or people who have never voted before (also, fuck those people), and that’s splashy for soundbite purposes. But “the base” implies numbers, and the base is a bit moderate. Biden was DOA until South

Also, it’s worth noting that Democrats UNDERperformed on November 3rd. We don’t say it because of those shitty 3 days when we faced losing the presidency to this cheesefart again, but we underperformed. It sucks utterly, but there is a rebuilding period to stabilize. 

Do you understand math in Georgia? I mean I get saying that justice delayed is justice denied, but all Georgia got was a run-off. AOC represents one congressional district from a very different place than the entire state of Georgia. A majority of voters in Georgia are not particularly progressive; create up any real