Fuck off, Nazi.
There’s a giant fucking gulf of difference between people of an oppressed population wanting a space of their own, and people whose ancestors literally walked in and stole all of that space for themselves demanding that people get out of their own land.
“Succumb to diversity” What the actual fuck does that mean? If they want to pretend only white people exist, then how about THEY go the fuck away and get the fuck off of public platforms. You’re literally saying other people existing is causing them pain for no fucking reason. I don’t sympathize with that.
Uh-huh, and what exactly is the Keith Ellison version of “GTKRWN?”
So, when they say clever things like “gas the kikes” what EXACTLY do they mean?
I don’t code switch well around anyone except the boy. The rest of the time I drop the f-word with the frequency of a 1993 Ice Cube. I can’t imagine Twitter would improve that habit.
michelle obama sure seemed to think the position had responsibilities, and i, for one, thank her for her herculean efforts.
Poor people scoff at the notion ‘Roseanne’ shows poverty. That’s not poor. That’s struggling.
“Pretty in Pink” was heavy on the “informed poverty” that Hollywood in general is fond of. We were told up one side and down the other that she was poor...despite her house, car, tons of clothes, and generally not appearing to be any poorer then anyone else at school. I think “Roseanne” was the only thing I ever saw…
I was 16 when Pretty in Pink came out and I hated it for the same reason.
Depends on where you live? In DC you can absolutely be working poor, or impoverished on the same train with a millionaire. I grow up working class, to a mom who grew up in complete poverty and sent me to school with mostly affluent/middle class kids. This movie sounds like something I would love.
Interesting that his defense of Moore sounds a lot like his explanation for why he believes the Russians didn’t tamper with the election. “Putin denies it...”
we really shouldn’t drag people for bad grammar, even garbage people like paris hilton, because it reinforces classism and ableism
My dad is Half American Indian and yelled “Don’t get that test! They can’t exterminate us if they can’t identify us!”
Totally called it.
Holding on! (poor LTD forever getting no shine because of Jeffrey Osborne)
“Why don’t you just go down to the police and turn yourself in, now?”—My Mom when I told her I gave my spit to Ancestry dot com.
This makes me weep for the Alicia Keys/Philippa Schuyler movie that never was.