“Abraham Lincoln was treated supposedly very badly. But nobody’s been treated badly like me.”
“Abraham Lincoln was treated supposedly very badly. But nobody’s been treated badly like me.”
I agree. I think people see Biden as “tough” or “hard-nosed” enough to stand up to Trump. Biden reminds me of a used car salesman who only goes to church on Sunday to schmooze potential clients.
Rachel Maddow had an interesting take on tRump’s rebranding of this year’s 4th of July celebration. Making connections to the Nixon administration’s era, and their attempt to do pretty much the exact same thing.
Public disclosure may make it harder for them to defend not releasing the documents.
Trying to apply logic to the legal system is an exercise in frustration and disillusionment. The government will still claim it contains classified info, since these days that means anything that is embarrassing to the state, and the courts will likely hold water for their obviously bad-faith arguments, because…
I hope people who know how are filing FOA requests for the Race Paper. Since they’ve admitted it was all 100% bullshit they can’t rightly claim it contains classified info, and I’d love to see what nonsense the Fed is talking about black people in 2017.
Can I also just roll my eyes for a minute at the NoNameManyNumbers trolls who keep screeching “butbutbut BLM and Berniiiiiiiiieeee” with literally less than no awareness of the relevant gender dynamics, power dynamics, or ... basically anything else?
This is the face of a man who says, "actually" at least two dozen times a day.
Yeah, on another online forum I’m on a black man we know posted about this (FTR, I’m white/Jewish) and gave additional context to this — one which was missing from literally every other piece of coverage I saw this morning on my feed — which was that there were other speakers, but he felt the need to interrupt the…
I’m all for Karine Okoye Jean-Pierre but the first emotion I felt was terror. That nut job got too close too fast and security didn’t do shit for a long ass time. Kamala is the only WOC running for President and needs secret service protection ASAP. It’s clear the nut job did that to her because she is black and…
@AMJoyShow is having a discussion about many of the elements of this incident this morning.
This kind of shit is why I don’t fuck with Airbnb in the first place. But the blatant racism not withstanding, this bullshit company is basically a bunch of crooks who 1. fuck up the real estate market in places like NYC 2. are trying to be hotels without taking on actual hotel expenses like having liability insurance…
Rest in peace Maleah. This world was not kind to you.
You’re right. Henriettta Lacks, Charles Drew and Onesimus might be responsible for saving more lives than all the doctors who ever lived, combined. I struggled with whether or not to put them on. The only reason I didn’t was because—and I know it’s splitting hairs—I wanted to stay in the cultural theft arena.…
The life-giving cells of Mrs. Henrietta Lacks.
Don’t forget burning (already purchased) Nikes over supporting a man speaking up about police violence and racial injustice and destroying (already purchased) coffee machines because they dropped their sponsorship of a Nazi cunt who picks on teen victims of gun violence.
Oh my, yes. I wish I could embed the Eddie Murphy routine about him, here.
Pretty one sided list to “randomly” came up with.