White people C R E A T E D E U R O P E don’tcha know
White people C R E A T E D E U R O P E don’tcha know
Apparently we’re not the only ones who Googled Whoopi. The fact that she’s never hosted SNL before is a top suggested search for Google.
It’s not terrible to have private feelings. I don’t feel bad about Rand Paul getting decked. That doesn’t mean that I’d deck him.
Just send some Thoughts and Prayers.
Yeah. This is my first instinct.
They love data till they don’t ;) They still refuse to believe there is a difference in the two values “commits a crime” and “was arrested for a crime”. I am in absolute agreement w/ your points.
That statement “Things could be worse for you” also indicates that white people are responsible for it being “so good”, and could “make it worse” if they chose to. There is a connotation of ownership.
Wypipo’s best argument for America is “Things could be worse for you” and then they wonder why we want justice and equality.
This white guy right here can confirm that this statement is factually incorrect.
“And before you reply some angry and race-based argument about how bad being black is in America and how oppressed you are, please save it.”
Because we live in a world where the dominant culture has made oppression a feature, not a bug.
but but you're so much better at cleaning the stove than I am and and I'm so much better at video games! I better play this video game while you clean the stove.
My utmost sympathies to your wife.
a football game is FUN. CHORES are called CHORES for a reason. Your wife should throw in a red shirt with your whites and you'll see how fun it is to be constantly sabotaged by a partner who resents chores. You don't care? You will when all your shirts are pink.
I am not wading into the substance of this conversation, because I agree with thehoopoe3 and arguing with you is going no where. I just wanted to say, please stop saying "gals." Unless you are 80 years old. In which case, I commend you on your ability to figure out this batshit commenting system.
Really who elected you spokesperson of all men. All of those things would bother my husband.
You would do better to give the whole of the masculine population more credit.
but it's not all about you anymore, get it? Why should anyone else live in your filth?
um no, many many guys simply refuse to do mundane work unless it's something they don't mind doing. The notion that all the other non fun has to get done is lost on them. I've seen it way too often in relationships. Complaining about how he was hammered for not doing it right is another one of the avoidance…
By now, you've probably heard of "gaslighting," the increasingly popular term for the various ways in which men…