...securing a spot on a Single A team
...securing a spot on a Single A team
u can come over and eat my ass while im in town on the bye week.
No way you’re stealing him from us. And goddammit take Justin Bieber back. We never asked for that.
I heard there is going to be a “Goldberg glitch”; Where Goldberg was mistakenly brought back to WWE to fight Brock Lesnar. I mean, that is one VERY broken video game.
The next time you get a side-eye for what you purchased, just remember: Ms. Judgemental is a fucking cashier.
To be honest: The same people buying $70k cars. Except with a pickup you get advantages such as: 1) Better depreciation 2) Better utility 3) Reasonably priced options (looking at you BMW and Mercedes)
Appreciate the sentiment, but I shudder to think about the potential diseases involved in such an action...
Fuck Comcast.
Can someone explain their utter refusal to have Kaep [sic] play while keeping him on the team?
Does anybody else like the Rock MORE because he’s actually a human adult male celebrity that says the word “fuck”?
Johnny Fucking Football
Fairly sure that the first amendment won’t apply in this case because it’s in fucking England.
The first post about this guy had a lot of the commentariat, including myself, thinking this dude looks like Thom Yorke.
Zero - Because when some nut job comes up on you from behind, yells at you while shoving you in the face (even with a pie) - you are allowed to fight back against that assault
Somebody smarter than me needs a way to incorporate a 9/11 truther joke in here.
Wash my mug?? Are you kidding me? Maybe its my Navy upbringing but how else am I suppose to season the damn thing then?
“Paralympic Pelé.”
Check the Background App Refresh settings. At one point during the beta process, iOS10 set ALL of my app to background refresh and it was murder on my battery.
This is me when my white friends start talking with my black friends about race issues.#whitesplaining
Every year could bring a new version of Mad Max: Fury Road