This is the best part to come of the whole situation. (verified twitter account)
This is the best part to come of the whole situation. (verified twitter account)
Leroy Hoard who had an all-time fat back quote: “If you need one yard, I’ll get you three. If you need five yards, I’ll get you three.”
Except that 1) Bluetooth still exists and 2) It literally comes with analog adapter and 3) There are already 3rd party adapters - they just need to pay for the connector license
I intercepted Derek Anderson twice in the same game in high school. I drive a fucking honda now and he has a sign outside his hometown to let you know you are entering greatness. Fuck Derek, fuck the panthers and fuck my life.
So, my best friend proposed to his girlfriend on Sunday at a party for HIS 30th birthday.
Don’t. What the fuck is wrong with you?
In a union. It’s true. Old fucks who can’t successfully navigate email get to hang on to the company like leaches, sucking it dry while young people are denied opportunities.
Our qb threw one in the Northwest semi-pro league this year. O.o
From August to February, EVERY SINGLE SEATTLE EVENT has some asshole yelling “SEA!” and waits for everyone to reply “Hawks!”. But only his drunken idiot frat-bros respond while everyone else goes back to drinking their double soy latte enema.
Everyone is so sick of the hillbilly Puyallup crowd spending their months…
Oh God, here comes the low hanging fruit of “Columbine shooter” puns. If you are going to comment, at least make it high quality. This is one is a great opportunity to really deliver something outstanding.
Which week will the Browns go “Full Browns”?
I bought one on Friday knowing pretty well something like this would happen. Eh, people make too much of a deal out of saving a few bucks. What’s $50 or $100 in the long run? A couple nights out? I’d rather have a few months of extra time with the device than that.
Yeah, like drugs or something.
No, “the shit” comes out the first time you go to get sushi together and learns she has a soy allergy. Your shared bathroom how now become a nuclear waste site that makes Chernobyl look like a vacation destination.
Glad I skipped to the comments. Saved 5 mins!
I wouldn’t trust anyone from the IAAF or IOC to order my lunch let alone set a process and standard that accurately and fairly defines gender identification.
Oh absolutely THAT’S true.
We need to go back to the days of big breasted blondes just wanting to kiss the players.
“the referee decided to cancel the rest of the game in lieu of the pitch invasion”
I got 11: