I’m sure Google has done some fancy social psychology research
I’m sure Google has done some fancy social psychology research
The only people who want special treatment are whiny males like you.
This tent was solely invented to solve all of the problems presented in the third act of Bird Box.
Well then, you’d fit right in at The Athletic.
There’s a problem with Inslee though. I live in Seattle, and he’s totally disconnected from the entire state. He’s mismanaging billions of dollars and spending it on the climate change, which only ranks #7 on the priority list for Washington voters. A whopping 33% of Washington voters think he would be a “poor”…
This is my biggest pet peeve. I lived with a roommate that had NO concept of time... specifically when it came to her getting ready to go out. She would spend HOURS getting ready. HOURS. We were late to everything, and I started just leaving for parties without her.
Did a bit of data analysis on Diaz a couple of weeks back, and it seems like the big issue is that, like a lot of guys who throw hard sliders this year, he’s lost the ability to consistently command his slider (seemingly due to the new ball), which is leading to hanging sliders (which get crushed) and guys sitting on…
The dude wears tight leather suits with no shirt or a texas tuxedo with skinny jeans, he’s literally dressed like a member of the village people. He’s obviously bi at minimum.
I’d like to set the over/under for games played at 62.
Recovered alcoholic here. Up until about 7 years ago, I got myself into lots of trouble. Never got a DUI, never went to jail, but still spent plenty of time fucking up my life and the lives of others who were close to me. Let me be 100% clear: everything I did was my own fault. The people who sold me booze at the…
That’s some prime color commentary right there.
Leave it to the Japanese to figure out how to get 3 strikes and 3 balls with just one pitch.
Haha! I fully admit I have no idea other than the twitter videos posted above and an interview with Bret. But he seemed to be moving pretty well.
I know it ain’t my fight, but I’m honestly a little disappointed by this. From an outside perspective it looks like Kaepernick decided to take some cash over fighting for his principles. I’m sure it’s likely much more nuanced than that, but with the NDA in place he’ll never get the chance to explain his reasoning…
If it’s old enough to bleed, it’s old enough to speed.
- Truly Odd Couple
Meanwhile, Chino Hills HS celebrated its blissfully LaVar-free year by winning the boys’ state basketball championship...
I’m pretty sure he’s going to cancel the wedding now that he knows he’s not going to get a green card.
I would love to do this but I also enjoy the routine of getting out of bed, throwing on some clothes, and trying to cook unsatisfying waffles in a room full of groggy strangers while fox news blares in the background.