Caffeine, hormones, thirst for vengeance

Hey, just because you got scared by a drunk 50YO Yankees fan cursing out a drunk 60YO Sox fan, and both of them being restrained from fighting by their adult children, doesn’t make sporting events a bad outing for families. Some families can see the teachable moments / comedy gold in that situation.

Awesome! When I used to have an answering machine, I would call my cats every few days when I went away and they had a cat sitter. I mostly just said “kitty kitty kitty”. My BF at the time thought I was nuts but I know the cats heard & listened. Now people can talk to their babies when they know the cats are awake &

This story has been passed around for a looooong time. I applaud your sense of humor, but I don't think this happened to you IRL.

I second your love of Aussie dudes! One tip: make sure you don't get stuck with one who just wants to get trashed. Watch the pace of drinking and stick with the one who drinks at slower pace than his Aussie friends. Sydney surfer guys are awesome.

It’s easy to get worked up about entitled ignorant hipsters getting a beautiful home, after acting utterly ungracious to the people they *begged* to make the place over for them. Drew and Jonathan are far more patient than I could ever be!

Almost makes me think Elaine’s “sponge-worthy” criterion was a nice structure to have. Like, if I had a limited # of opportunities to have non-baby-making sex, would I want to spend one on this dude?

I love it that D'Ambrosio states sex is *the* most important thing in a relationship, for HIM. Then winding up his sex discussion, he says the thing your *partner* should be really attracted to, is your heart. Which is it? Or let me think, is it that:

I don’t understand: how did that restaurant stay in business, if they send the staff home when they’re hung over? Most places I’m familiar with, 33% of kitchen staff and 50% of the front of house can be assumed to be drunk or hung over, at the start of the day.

Eh, its wild cousin squirrels wait till my tomatoes are *almost* ready to pick, then descend in a lightning raid and strip the plant. Damn things take ONE BITE out of EACH stolen tomato, then discard it. Like they're sure they like tomatoes, just haven't found the right one yet. Assholes.

Your husband sounds awesome, and handy in a crisis! If I were not married I'd ask if he has a single brother. ;)

Funny *and* useful. 2 thumbs way up!

Diamonds also work for when you just CAN'T with your clothes anymore. Pajama pants and sneakers? Sure but I'm wearing diamonds, darling! Hoodie and sweats? I'm working the pearls!

sweetie I feel for you! I'm starting my 2nd trimester after several rounds of IVF over the last year. It has been a long-ass year of tons of shots, stress, hormonal roller coaster, and then happy but exhausted and nauseated.

Be gentle with Jon Snow! I have a strong protective instinct toward him, since I took a Which GoT Character is Your Boyfriend? quiz and got Jon. He's very fragile right now since he broke his vows for me. But he still sounds a little goofy here.

I don't think people are jerks if they prefer to give something a couple needs, versus something the couple wants. A honeymoon is a great thing, but it's not a requirement. If you can afford to take a cool trip with your one and only, great. If you can't afford the big splashy trip, then people are allowed to feel

YSL has a lip stain in coral, a little sheer and it lasts *forever*. A great way to wear coral if you're nervous about it looking too bright. Plus it smells awesome- faint but lovely, which is nice when something is going to be under your nose all day.

I have super sensitive skin and I love the Laura Mercier tinted moisturizers, which come in 2 or 3 different levels of coverage, so you can pick the one with more coverage if you want. They all have sunscreen too, which you need anyway. They might give you the feel you're used to, with the added coverage you crave. :)

I love the Josie Maran!! I'm using it with her rice bran exfoliating powder a few times a week, you mix it with the Argan Oil cleanser and it's a super gentle scrub. All other scrubs, masks, etc. make my skin feel like it's burning, but this takes off dull dry flaky skin and feels awesome.

Top 5 things containing yeast- if you eat these & don't get sick, get a 2nd opinion on that "yeast sensitivity" thing:

Thank heaven they waited till after the cake was eaten!