
I consider myself a bleeding heart liberal and I think Yellowstone is great. It’s Succession set in the West. Not everything needs to be political.

I think there’s only one logical course of action to take with another Constantine film - Crisis on Infinite Constantines. Keanu, Matt Ryan and Jenna Coleman all at once! Throw a Sting cameo in there too. Hell, track down that guy who told Alan Moore the secret of magic whilst we’re at it.

This show is so damned good.

Jason Mamoa as Aquaman and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman are two things the DC movies got right anyway

It was Florida, wasn’t it?

Well, then they weren’t really on “your” “team”, now were they, Jen?

It’s so sad that this show only got to run for 2 seasons. 

Strange New Worlds is inarguably phenomenal. All time best S1 of any Star Trek show.

I think the answer was in the article above. It’s a creative endeavour and the creatives involved would not be happy recasting.

Oh man that's actually perfect. People got played by Agnes and Bohner so Plaza waltzes in playing the exact same character thanks to Wanda's fuckin with the multiverse.

Go one better. Wash away the bad taste of Ralph Bohner and make her The Shadow King...

Just go balls to the wall and make her Mephisto. Fuckin do it cowards.

It was a pretty dang good adaptation; I’m glad that audiences will get more of it.

I come to battle with Peter Capaldi. I think he was the best of the NuWho, but was saddled with some awful stories.

Eccleston is probably the best in terms of characterisation, but off the camera fallings out prevented more than one series.

This was a really tense episode, but I had two huge issues with it. First, the this show seems determined to make Alicent sympathetic ... which makes her come off as come off as wishy-washy and dumb. Watching her flip-flop from taking the hardest lines possible against Rhaenrya to all of a sudden, wanting to usurp the

How was it Sauron could simply walk into Mordor????

obligatory “she did it first” post

Madisynn and Wongers need a Werewolf By Night style Special Presentation! 

Great as the ‘when are we getting the X-Men’ look is, I think my favourite bit was the “See you in the movies” “Really?!” “No.” “Fine. Whatever. Kevin”. The delivery of every line was perfection.