I liked Moonlight better when it was called Angel.
I liked Moonlight better when it was called Angel.
Watching him as Hannibal Lecter in Michael Mann’s Manhunter is downright chilling. And he’s only onscreen for a few minutes.
I enjoyed the first two episodes, but am already feeling they pulled a bait-and-switch on us by filming Season One in New Zealand, but are filming Seasons 2 and on in the UK.
If memory serves, Diet Coke is based on the 1985 New Coke formula, while Coke Zero is based on the Classic Coke formula.
Roy Thomas did such a great job on the Conan books because he was a fan of Robert E. Howard’s original stories, and was intent on adapting them to comics.
Try catching episodes of the 1960s series with Adam West. If you enjoyed those films, you will love Batman from the 60s.
Still not exactly the Shakespeare of 90s comic book films.
As Saul would probably say, “Nothing succeeds like excess.”
Somewhere, Alec Guinness is smirking.
Starkist never replied to me.
If only they told us what Exit they used.
Also make sure the warrant has a judge’s signature on it.
People who like the Milius film often haven’t read Robert E. Howard’s stories. Want to know what makes Conan fun? Read The Tower of the Elephant or Red Nails.
Sigh. If only they had filmed R.E. Howard’s stories.
When you’re on the witness stand, always pause before answering the opposition lawyer’s question — to give your/the other attorney time to object, if necessary.
Doom Patrol (particularly Season One) is the most batshit crazy series on television today. And I mean that in the very best way possible. If only they’d show Elasti-Girl as the 50 Foot Woman.
I’ll see your “ATOMICS!” and raise a ‘KULL WAHAD!”
Otis : Oh. Oh, gee. Aw, gee. Gee, Mr. Luthor. Oh, I see. I guess my arm wasn’t long enough, see?
We’re obviously not the only civilization in the galaxy. And any aliens with the tech to travel here in such small craft would be so far beyond our level of science. I’m guessing some of these UFOs are more Russian efforts to spook us, Orson Welles-style like they did with Roswell (children with deformities who…