
Cavill was the right actor in the wrong movies. I really like how gracious he is about being removed. I’m also really sad for him because he clearly loved the role and wanted to do more with it. I hope he enjoys a long successful career.

I just wanted one really great Cavill Superman movie, dammit.

Yeah, none of the issues with the Superman movies had anything to do with Cavill’s performance. They were just poorly written/directed at the end of the day. 

Cavill’s Superman movies weren’t the best...but I actually had hopes that if they did the things they were teasing, and make Superman less depressed, that he could have made a brilliant movie.

One of the biggest roadblocks to Jamie getting rid of John in any way, shape, or form is that Beth will literally kill him. You’d have to kill Beth first, and stronger men than him have tried and failed. 

...shes’s invited the POTUS to the valley so he can endorse young upstart Martin for Rainwater’s chairman position. Angela is delivering on her threat to shorten Rainwater’s tenure as the leader of her people, but Rainwater is not going without a fight.

It’s one of the most popular shows on television. Calling it a “boomer” show displays ignorance of a high degree.

Here’s hoping they at least TRY to emulate Mignola’s artwork, unlike Long Halloween.

I mean no offense to Patty here, but if WW84 was any indication of the direction you wanted to take things, well... I have to say that, for once, I’m siding with the WB brass on this one.

There wasn’t a single film this year as imaginative, off the wall, and original as Everything Everywhere All at Once. Great visual effects, great story and plot, great acting, pure boss villain, brought back Ke Huy Quan and despite the fact he hasn’t acted in over a decade he nearly stole the show in the film. This is

Even in 2000 a superhero could have normal workout muscles instead of a wiry skin stretching mass of pulsing veins.

The Robert Mitchum school of shirtless acting.

So, to clarify: a young actress starring in a hotly-anticipated TV series experienced as-yet-unidentified symptoms of an illness, and because she didn’t instantly know it was Covid and single-handedly halt production over it, she deserves to be put on blast?

Because she’s hot.

Neve count your chickens before they're hatched. 

The show would be so much better if he’d never been fucked with.

Good for Frank Darabont. Those AMC fucks did him real dirty. 

I don’t think it is that big a deal. Lovecraft is as much a genre as an author nowadays, and thus what this kind of festival celebrate is a lot more the former than the latter.

What? He wasn’t in Thor: The Dark World.