This is where I'd take my kids if I didn't like my kids.
This is where I'd take my kids if I didn't like my kids.
Joyce Carol Oates: kind of a buzzkill
2-1 is a much smaller margin of victory than I would have expected, considering everyone in the world has seen Blackfish by now.
Politician loses high-stakes bet; doubles down with Hitler reference. RISKY MOVE, BRO!
My fetus also wants to vote. And it wants to vote Republican.
My fetus wants a concealed gun permit too, please.
an image of Cookie Monster photoshopped next to Hitler with the caption "Who ate my cookie?"
No, the human barbie looks like that doll :(
There's nothing more gauche than an unelegantly-integrated advertisement.
I don't understand. He had a key? The door was unlocked? He knew them?
"A slap on the wrist"?
A girl's gotta make an exit.
You, sir, are a menace. And I mean that as a sincere compliment.
Agreed. Physically painful.
Is it wrong that I find this impressive? Diabolical. But impressive. Who thinks of this shit?
war paint.
That's what Harry puts in Ron's MOUTH in Half-Blood Prince.