
Thank you for being a virtual friend.

Still unsure why everyone is lamenting the lack of a Netflix app. Would much rather have a “Golden Girls” app called VRthur.

How is this an article... Random people returned a device. We don’t know how many. NEWS!

While I agree with 11van’s point that gender and sexuality often play VERY big roles in people’s lives, I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant that for a most people gender and orientation are just two parts of varied complex humans and is rarely the sole defining trait of who they are.

No, but they weren’t like “what about straight people”, they were like “I haven’t played a game lately with representation of any stripe that didn’t also include LGBT+ options”, at least that was my reading. And I agree, though I’ve mostly been playing BG3 lately, which has amazing representation. If you have some

That’s not even close to what I said. My point is that you need to compare games with LGBT representation to games with straight representation to understand if the LGBT population is being adequately represented. Because a SIGNIFICANT amount of games don't have any orientation represented at all.

Imagine reading their post and taking whatever that is from it?

Representation is absolutely important, but that 2% seems like it represents an awful lot of games that don’t include straight representation, either. Basically all puzzle games, racing games, 4x games, sports games, and a sizeable chunk of action games don’t have LGBT representation, and it would be weird if they did.

I got an xbox a few months ago when they were on sale everywhere, but I still haven’t even opened the box.

The AI does have a point. Humanity is a plague. Look at all the wars being fought all over because one group thinks their Imaginary Magical Sky Troll is better than somebody else’s.  A world without humans would be pretty peaceful.

There’s no chance Sony puts Game Pass on PS5 as a streaming service.

What is your fucking problem lmfao

Ah yes those famous desert icons, the Kingfisher and the London phone box!

Lololol Baron Harkonnen is literally just a ‘Lord Business’ repaint

Both the trailer subtitles and the playstation blog called them “Naytibas,” not sure where “NA:tives” came from (although that still of course seems like it came from the word “natives)

Why would there be no human-created art though? Did the A.I take over the world and ordered all humans to have to their fingers broken?

Yawn... It’s the photoshop hate all over again... You either adapt to new tools or get left behind. lol

Now’s the time to save $1k by not buying a redundant, useless, and ugly watch.

This sucks because of the price difference these apps have on menu items: a large Pepperoni Lovers pizza before any taxes and fees is $21.59; the same pizza if ordered through Grubhub is $4.75 higher at $26.34.”

Then go pick it up.

That is the way that business works.  when something is no longer profitable, it is abandoned.