
Absolute control over people’s welfare is what a lot of conglomerates and corporations want as well, because that’s what usually happens when you have this much power: you’ll want more. Also: taking the words of a billionaire, let alone Fortune 100 CEOs seriously is quite laughable in 2024.

The only person who could convince Joe to drop out is Jill and from what I am seeing she’s not ready to give up being FLOTUS IMO.

Trump improved the economy just by winning a debate. Holy fuck.

Nope. Nothing is locally accelerated in the local reference frame here. Space itself is expanded and contracted; you're standing still. 

“no further comments were given on the matteer.”

Really? Why? 

So basically we’re looking for is what happened to the USS Enterprise D on a near weekly basis.

Unfortunately, we’d only be detecting these events from the distant past, unless the aliens are close by. The black hole merger detected by LIGO and Virgo, for instance, happened about 15 billion years ago.

Yeah, I tend to think I’m reasonably well-up on these things, and I don’t remember seeing anything confirming this.

Counterpoint: in an absolutely trash movie, Julia poured every last drop of talent into his performance while he was dying.

I’m not sure that The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was all that much better.

Raul Julia took that role for his son who was a huge Street Fighter fan. I think it’s a great way for an actor to be remembered.

Remember: wizards, aging backwards, get older as you go back in time.

They might be faithful, but I can’t imagine they’ll keep the original ending of the novel.

Pretty sure you didn’t understand the article

Loved the rage comments of fanboys :p

I had assumed it would be that the dad died long ago and he’s the imaginary friend.

No, they’re saying that the problems Germain has with the movie are not problems for them.