
I think a lawyer would take the case seeing as this has the potential to be a class action lawsuit with at least $10 million in play plus lawyer fees.

Goes away how? No matter in this universe truly goes away, it just transitions into something else

My Toyota said the same thing for a software update for the radio

People who have read the comics will not melt down because they know that there has been a female silver surfer. Hasbro pulse did a Galactus figure where they gave a female silver surfer and no one melted down.

From reading the article, it appears Sara is just a voice actor, not a part of the family of the subject of the documentary. The family, including the subject, wishes to hear their own voice with AI. Sorry for Sara but there is nothing unethical going on here when the person, whose voice it is, agrees to AI usage. It

I love how everyone who disagrees with women objectifying themselves, in a space it doesn’t belong, is labeled an incel.

Is it really exploitation if people with other options, like getting a normal job, choose to be there?

Mostly content creators, that will lose their only source of income, complaining

Of course they will lose, just like Chinese citizens lose everyday. The only ideas that the Chinese government like are their own. Any other idea can get people locked up or disappeared. If you want an example look at Hong Kong, Tianemen Square, or even the CEO of Alibaba.

The SwitchBlade

Which means you can only feed it at exactly midnight.  Any other time is after midnight

I think this person is stating that they are tired of devs using good looking models and turning them into uggos in the game to appease the real life uggos.

These social.l media CEOs do have some responsibility however the parents share the same if not more responsibility for not parenting their own kids. Tired of these parents shirking their responsibility because they do not take the time to be involved in their kids lives. Just throw them a phone, tablet, or computer

Let me known which game(s) requires people to spend an hour, or even more than 5 minutes, punching a tree instead of progressing to an axe.

“Say it with me, “The Claw.” What does that name evoke?”

Back in the day the manufacturing industry said the same thing about robots and look at them now. Progress can be delayed but it won't be stopped

Are they really using it as an excuse when they warned California, in advance, that this would happen if the minimum wage was raised? If anything this is just the fulfillment of a prophecy.

Yes? Also has the added bonus of being a self appointed dictator

I wonder which Disney executive thought someone asked for this

I for one am on board with this. A lot of judgements take a long time due to the 124 page opinions that have to be written to justify the judges position. If AI, that is proofread, could help this process then rulings would be a lot faster and more court cases could be heard in a year.