
It’s not just the farmers who have a stake/role in this obviously when CA is responsible for producing so much of the food we and people around the world eat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The valley produces almonds, walnuts, pistachios, olives, cherries, beans, eggs, milk, beef, melons, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and garlic

I already explained where they get the keys from: bundles and regions where games are cheaper. I’m not sure where you got your info from but keys from bundles (charity or otherwise) can absolutely be resold. The terms of service might state otherwise but that condition doesn’t actually hold any legal merit (which is

According to Green Man Gaming (which is an authorized third-party key seller that monitors and lists the prices of keys on the more sketchy side of the reselling business), the cheapest you can get an (allegedly) unused The Day Before code for is $233.97. Two other sites are selling it for $304.

What is really funny is this site is talking shit, maybe fairly, about these key reseller sites and at the same time “Kinja Deals” is featuring “deals”(aka ads) for those very same sites.

Sigh. Such sloppy reporting.

In his case, he definitely “admires” them. They just paid for his most luxurious golden parachute. But business executives are typically pathological liars when speaking to the public, so I understand your point.

Right? There are some questionable parts of the specifics in this ruling, but over all it's a win. The article acts like this is the end of the world. 

I mean, what did you expect? Did you want her to have to talk to her kids? Or, maybe, parent them?

“So now I, as a mom, get to deal with telling my toddlers we can’t watch Disney+ while in our Tesla and deal with their upset feelings because 2 grown men can’t have a civil discussion and move on.”

Stop dissing antitrust, Gizmodo. This ruling makes lives better for the end consumer. Having the play store and Apple app store duopoly restricting what apps we use is bad for the consumer. The number of new apps I’ve installed on my phone outside of games has gradually gone to zero. Time for things to be shaken up a

This article reads like a PR press statement directly from Google. 

Badly written piece, starting from the incorrect premise that todays announcement has anything to do with the Epic case.

Mason: “So that’s it? After 13 years, so long, good luck?”

I feel like there’s a higher than average amount of bootlickers in the gaming community lol 

my point stands lol

2 words: franchise fatigue

They could literally not make another Marvel anything for 5 years and better off b/c of it then rolling out another plot filler story line for the next phase of the MCU that seemingly is taking us no where. 

I mean, no trending section was ever about “facts”, but always about what its company wanted you to see.

There’s disagreement: