
These news outlets must have a screw loose. Facebook, as the platform owner, has the sole discretion on what to allow on there. How about these publisher’s stop relying on social media to push their product? Better yet why don’t they make their own news aggregate site, like Google News, to display all of their own

3 years is also enough time for AI to mature and potentially endanger numerous roles that writers and editors normally filled.

That is terrible...check this one out

Does pronoun choice make a difference in the game? Like, are pronouns actually used or do they use your character name for conversations?

The collector's edition is already sold out

ACAB until you need the police, like all the other hypocrits

Exactly, don't know why people are giving them a gold star for this when modders have done it years ago

Creation Engine wasn’t designed for fast movement of any kind, and also explains why you can’t fly your ship around a planet, either”.

I can see renting it once but renting the film twice is what did in the lawsuit. I believe that people will rent or watch a movie based on who they see in the trailer. Case in point, my spouse wanted to watch the movie “The Slumber Party” because it had Tituss Burgess in the trailer. When we sat down to watch it we

If Bethesda didn't make this a big deal by calling it unlimited exploration, go where you want, nobody would have cared

I thought the same thing till I saw that Laurene Jobs signed onto the project. To me, that gives the proposal more clout but I believe if she ever leaves then everyone else would/should cash out

Some people don’t have power in the real world so they get off on virtual power


AMPTP sock puppet? Just because I don’t agree with you or the other goons on this site I must be a shill. Jeez, you are delusional.

Hypocritical WGA complaining about the AMPTP releasing their contract offer to gain public support when in the beginning of the strike the WGA released their contract proposal in order to gain public support.

It appears to me that Musk is trying to upend the current news business model. Instead of having to pay news conglomerates (Murdoch Family), who then pay out some of that to journalists, you pay the journalists directly for their content. If that is the case, and if all social media companies implemented this, then it

It honestly has nothing to do with the money and more with the AI aspect the studios will not budge on. The unions have already confirmed that fact multiple times

Who would have thought that the CEO of a company, who recently released multiple bombs that lost a combined billion dollars, would want the strike to end to keep their job? Go figure

Accident double post

My gosh, the new voice is terrible