
Don’t forget the Bombing of Tokyo which many consider was worse than the atom bombs

Japan did have two atomic bombs dropped on them. Since the USA hasn’t, who are we to tell them to not be offended. I would assume that people would either shut up or speak up in support, like what is done for other ethnic groups.

Which actors? That is the problem with these unions, their messaging. They have these big name stars speaking for them who have millions in the bank. People do not sympathize with millionaires wanting more money. Put the background actors, body doubles, and no name actors in the front to publicize their plight.

“It would also make them look good in the eyes of viewers. “They are the only ones who care about the talent and below the line workers!””

The DGA and the studio’s already agreed on a new labor contract a couple of months before these movies came out. I would think the studios already knew that these Directors are not easily replaceable and the success of these movies further cements that.

My concern is more for the trees than the people picketing. To not provide space and accommodation for people who want to picket is not illegal however it’s a damn shame that these tree were pruned the way they were, probably very traumatic for the trees.

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When I think of Indian movies/tv this pops into my head everytime:

I don’t think it has to do with politics however their reasoning is shit. All of these insurance companies are still in California even though there are wildfires, almost every year, that destroy houses and vehicles. When they leave Cali then I would believe them

Where did you get the $1699 price?  Official Hasbro website shows it at $1499. Still expensive but not the same price you stated

No, I think the issue is with attendance and monetary costs. Not enough people attend normal women's games to use the bigger stadiums and incur the monetary costs of doing so 

I have never seen an alien spaceship but I also have no explanation for how human technology exploded over 75 years even though intelligent humans have been around for 71,000 years.

Why don’t the top 15 actors, writers, and Hollywood executives take 25% of their pay and donate it to help pay for the lower levels of actors and writers who are struggling to make a living.

Sounds about right. Most companies act this way around June.

I do not believe this strike will have the impact it would have had if this was 15 years ago. With the writers strike a majority of consumers don’t even care. It is so bad that the WGA president is asking for consumers to back them. The same will happen with this strike as well.

Are you the type of guy who would fault a rape victim because they could have potentially avoided the whole thing if they weren’t out late, dressing that way, or walking down an alley?

This milestone would have more impact if Threads was its own standalone service/app. The fact is that it is baked into Instagram, easy to opt into, and currently can’t leave Threads without people having their Instagram account deleted.

This movie needs to pickup $350 million more of steam in order to potentially break even

Well, I wouldn’t say the movie is in the clear yet. It cost $200 million to make and rough estimate $100 million to advertise (second paragraph of the article below). Plus roughly half of the box office gross goes to the movie theaters. Therefore, to break even the movie needs to earn at least $600 million and

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The whole point is to make it more difficult so that way people will give up and not cancel.