
The terrible dialogue is due to the showrunner wanting to showcase their skills instead of utilizing the source material and adding on when needed

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“New Jersey Judge Investigated for Posting ‘Racist’ And ‘Explicit’ Lip-Syncing Videos on TikTok”

The $1000 “pro” monitor stand is an indication of things to come

That already happens. Anyway, back on point. The person who brought the case was not against making a website requested by gay people, they were against making a gay website.

With the Australian law it was the other way around. Due to the boycott the Australian government came around and softened the law in favor of big tech (Google/Facebook). Link is below

“It is nigh impossible to avoid the internet these day, as much of daily life takes place there/here, and nobody should have to stay disconnected for their own safety

This is freaking sad. Always trying to find racism just because you don’t like the person. All you are doing is diluting the word. I can pull up a few articles in the past where basketball players were referred as “freaks of nature” and no one gave a crap. The NBA said it last year and actually had a picture of 2

Baseball is different as in not every person starting is a star let alone a superstar. NBA players are way more athletic than baseball players as well. 

They have been running fine this entire time before they decided to make this change. The only reason why they didn’t do this sooner is so that they could build the community (bait) and then pull a switch when a lot of people are invested. If Reddit wasn’t try to get an IPO, to make their executives more money, this

Just like how virus makers don’t target Mac, due to the low amount of users, the same could be said for video game makers. The juice is not worth the squeeze

“he’s doing a great job at turning it into a reactionary echo chamber.”

How about their gaming GPUs?

A.I. will only get better and be seamless in the future. A.I. is  inevitable

Are they, or are you just making stuff up and spreading misinformation? Provide links to the article(s), nationally recognized, that identify that anti-vaxxers want the neurolink chip implanted.

Sony are not delaying ports due to development. They are delaying ports to sell more PS hardware.

That depends. It is one thing to make outlandish claims not based in truth and another to claim being a witness to specific crimes. I believe his tweet is based in the latter therefore it shouldn’t get him in trouble. Would be more like a “he said, she said” situation.

I like how no one in this comment thread has any intelligent thought to refute the original comment, just resort to name calling and misdirection. I understand though, cause 50+ years ago the shoe was on the other foot. It was cool and normal to hate people of color while anyone who complained was physically or

Wow, this is the type of comment this sites moderators approve? I expect this type of comment to be approved for all articles then.

All these Twitter “Reviews” sound like b.s. propaganda to create hype. These campaigns usually mean the movie is not great

This is a basic job that only requires reading and typing skills. Anyone over the age of 15 can do this.