
Mah bebees!

my kitchen“helper”

I will never pass up an opportunity to show off my floof ball.

In addition to adopting my giant-ass pandemic puppy, I have gotten very into plants. I made an indoor greenhouse with an IKEA display cabinet and have put my tropical plants in it!

Shelter Cat Update!

I hope you don’t mind my gentle ask: why are you with someone who is insulted by polite requests to keep the space you live in together clean?

That’s just boys and locker room talk. Now back to criticizing women...

Congratulations on 10 weeks! Almost three months. That’s pretty awesome.

What a crusty mess.

Hi Jezzies! Yesterday marked 10 — TEN! — weeks since my last drink. Since I posted about it 2 weeks ago on SNS, the icy midwest tundra has started to melt and there are more opportunities for outdoor distance hangs on friends’ patios.

helter Cat Update!

You love someone who abandoned their dog in a field because it was annoying?

Mostly. But I do have a few millenial friends who are queer who will smirk and side-eye people who were once in a heterosexual relationship end up in a queer one or vice versa. It’s so judgmental and unnecessary.

I’ve noticed that 2020-kinja has gone out of their way to paint Meghan as the wrong party every step of the way in this process, and everyone connected to her in this (including PIERS FUCKING MORGAN) are the aggrieved parties.

Mortal Dictata’s favorite communication style is obfuscation and being purposefully obtuse. I finally realized there was no point in trying to engage in a good faith discussion with them.

I’ve been reading your comments, and wondering if you’ve actually watched the interview. Finally, confirmation that you have not. As it happens, I have- sat through the entire two hours.

If you cling to your assumptions after seeing them speak, and finding out exactly what the situation was as opposed to what the

I don’t think your comments are going to age well, although I’m sure you won’t realize that. That’s really all I have to say.  Your comments are already such condescendingly shitty tripe, just playing into every racist sexist trope I can think of, and it’s only going to be look even worse. 

If your opinion is based on the belief that she chiefly wanted the biggest spotlight, the most riches, the highest social position, then why have they chosen to ditch the highest levels of all those things? If you are correct, it's even worse for the royal family. They were invaded by a grasping, social climber and

Shelter Cat Update!

Janice is correct about so call “models” who has no talent and only famous because of their rich parents.