
My nephew arranged for me to do a Zoom meeting with him and a group of his LGBT classmates to discuss LGBT history last night. I had all of this stuff prepared - lots of slides, texts for them to print off and read - and all these kids wanted to know was “is that story your nephew tells us about you threatening to

It's just wearing on me, and you're spot on, about financially meshing with someone. 

Shelter Cat Update!

Shelter Cat Update!

If I do, it’ll be this one.

My cousin/surrogate father figure was a bus driver for New Jersey Transit for 30 years. Most of his routes ran from Philadelphia/Camden to the southern ‘burbs like Millville and Bridgeton NJ, so there was always a good mix of inner-city riders, New Jersey’s own special brand of provincials and every thing in between.

Aw come on, you know how de rigueur it is to blame women for men’s issues. 

Was she really that complicit though? Even as his wife it’s not like she can force him into treatment and shove psychiatric meds down his throat. Seems more like his unwillingness to fully accept and deal with his mental health issues on his own were a big factor in why she filed for divorce.

Shelter Cat Update!

This COVID vaccine situation is MADNESS and it’s making me angrier than I already was. So many people I know, who work from home, who can sit their assess in their non-covid-y homes for as long as they want to, have gotten vaccines. Meanwhile, my 70 year old parents, and my immunocompromised, sees hundreds of people

It’s from Jay Leno’s new line of denim fetishwear.

I enjoyed that Mick Fleetwood TikTok, thank you.  

Yes, please let’s not let this discussion devolve into kink-shaming. Manson is not a BDSM practioner of any kind. He’s a violent abusive whackjob. Period. EVR was not an informed, consenting partner, she was the victim of multiple crimes. There is no blurred line here.

Shelter Cat Update!

I remember talking to a couple of thin friends a couple of years ago about size discrimination and first realizing that some people didn’t recognize thin privilege.

Hard same. I came out two years ago this week and the immediate validation from most of my friends was incredible. I *still* cry about it.

Family of origin was another story, but queer folks lean on chosen family for a reason

I’m glad we live in an age where a teen celebrity coming out is met with this much fanfare, as

As the dad of an out-and-proud 14 year-old, it sure does rule to live in the first era of human history where a gay kid can be themselves with less fear of reprisals than ever before (yes, I know it’s still dangerous and yes I’ve made her aware of that, but I’m still happy for her).

Once I came out to a few friends and they accepted me, I wanted to go to the highest mountaintop and scream at the whole wide world.

Hey Jezzies, how are you all tonight?

Shelter Cat Update!