
Has anyone, anywhere, ever, gone on the record to say they personally like Ted Cruz as a human being?

Yup, you know what they say:  The eyes are the window to the howling void that stephen miller has in place of a soul.

She believes the confederate flag is the real American flag. That’s what her uncle-dad taught her.

I really loved “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child,” and “The Happiest Baby on the Block.” My credentials are: I have three kids who sleep through the night in their own beds.  Good luck!  Sleep issues are horrid!

“I don’t see an American flag anymore...”

That can’t be real? Except I still want to knock her teeth down her throat, after slapping her with that crazy flag she’s blathering about.

Now playing

And Biden made a reference to the 1913 suffrage parade as her introduction in his speech. 

Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughts. I’ve been quiet about Nick’s passing for a lot of reasons. There’s still a lot of stigma around overdosing and mental illness, and I’m working through it.

Yeah I fell down a dark hole yesterday... lol

Thank you Krispy. Just wanted to pile on: our two new kitties, Riggs and Murtaugh (Murtaugh is the ginger):

Shelter Catstravaganza!

Shelter Cat Update!

Honestly, I have always been a bit of Grinch when it comes to Christmas. I didn’t grow up celebrating it, and was really overwhelmed by it and all the expensive stuff when I started attending my boyfriend’s (now husband’s) family Christmas. This year I have a 2 year old and seeing Christmas through his eyes has

Maybe it is the pandemic. Maybe it is the overexposure through various fashion enterprises and its incessant coverage by the media. But the end of 2020 marks the time when I am kinda over Rihanna as a celebrity (was never a fan of her music but I always found her uber-cool).

Also, let’s rip into him for being short like 7 times in the piece to completely insult him, even though he’s doing something cool here. I’m not a Cruise fan - but what??

He’s also been consistently described as super professional when working and he’s the executive producer so it makes sense that he would find issue with people breaking the protocol and I imagine it probably wasn’t the first time it happened.

Yup. If it were AOC in a grocery store, laying into a couple of mask-less MAGA hat wearers about how they’re endangering the cashiers and their families, everyone on Jez would be, “YAAAAS, Queen, SLAAAAAAY!!!!”

I fully approve of this Cruise rant—he’s not just talking about MI movies, he’s talking about this film setting an example that movies can be made in the time of COVID without being superspreaders IF AND ONLY IF the crew follows the safety protocols in place. It matters, he’s right to lose his shit.

It’s almost as if she’s always been an idiot undeserving of our attention. [Waiting for Cardi simp who mentions that Cardi is smart because she expressed a superficial interest in books and history and stuff once]

To the asker- my marriage ended last year when I finally came to terms with the fact that I am a massive lesbian. It was hard and impossible but, here I am, a year later. Surviving was hard, and knowing how much my exhusband was hurt was so hard. But it was the right choice and I firmly believe you’re going to do the