
PLEASE stop using the word “architecting”. We are not supporting Ivanka’s nonsense words here on an article about women’s empowerment.

Haha something like that. But Moira is an icon and Catherine O’Hara is brilliant and funny and I could watch her read the phone book and it would be endlessly entertaining and brilliant.

Sorry Kendall, Chelsea Handler did bikini in the snow better. She, at least, does not look like the aliens returned her there.

Just know that you’re not alone and support is there, whatever path you choose to change your life.

Thank you so much for writing this- I am 4 years and 1 month sober, and this whole time, through zoom AA meetings, and made and broken meetings in person with my sponser when we realize its either too cold or too COVID-y to meet up, I’ve been thankful I wasn’t just getting sober during the pandemic. Could you imagine,

Terrific work!

This was really helpful for me to read today. I relate to a lot of your internal experience and ways of seeing yourself and use alcohol and marijuana to numb and disassociate from my emotions every day. I want to stop, but have so much fear about facing the person I am without those crutches, crutches that cripple me

Good for you Danielle. Welcome to the team. I am 17 months sober, mostly during the pandemic, and this all speaks to my experience so much. Keep crushing it, you’re a badass!


A pupdate and some personal updates:

About to get on a plane to go see my 85 year old mother in America for the first time in almost 3 years. Wish me luck everyone.  

except he had publicly gone to rehab before either Jennifer came into the picture in the late 90s and he had to go back to rehab in 2018, three years post the divorce and the kids are known to be mostly with Jen G so...

There’s no way she had an emergency section. The incision for a crash section is usually (although not always) vertical and would absolutely show with all the crop tops she wears. No medical staff in any hospital anywhere would ask the spouse to choose between the baby and the mom. A crash section would require at

Ugh. I have experience with someone trying to manipulate their kids like that. It’s a selfish, sadistic tactic for selfish, sadistic people.

My issue with celebrities and pregnancy (and any other body-related thing) is the normalization of their amazing bodies as standards we should all follow and the lack of discourse about the resources they have.

The only magical dick I need is the one on the end of my girlfriend's harness.

Pete Davidson always looks like he is just coming off a three-day bender. My only theory as to how he is “sexy” is that he must have a magical dick. At least, I assume that’s why heterosexual women are attracted to him-all he ever does for me is reinforce my lesbianity.

Maybe getting involved with asshole men who cheat on you, repeatedly, is not your best choice, Khloe. Just spitballing here.

“I’m special and my pussy is so special it will magically transform this self-absorbed egomaniacal man-baby into a loving partner who respects me as an equal” LOL 

So, I was an admirer of Tesla’s electric vehicle innovations, and always thought I would buy one when affordable models started hitting the used market, but Tesla moving to Texas was the last straw. At a time when companies are helping their women employees relocate out of the state because Texas decided to violate