
Like the Good Devoted Christian Boy that he is.

I’ll dox myself and say I’m from the city this piece of shit is from and he is, indeed, a piece of shit. We don't want him, and if you notice, he did not denounce the racist piece of shit he was being asked to denounce. 

Oh, yuck. Yuck yuck yuck.

I believe I’ve seen that done on Botched, on that woman who’s implant was flipping all around.

I think those are butt implants.

OMay, I wouldn’t say she had allllll that stuff sucked out, but she did have it taken down to a more realistic level that looks better and like something she could have been actually born with. Now maybe her sisters will consider thier ridiculous lip injections, as well.

Right? Never once in my current relationship have I felt anything other than loved and cherished. My last relationship, however, was nothing but being gaslighted by a very toxic person, and it took me a long time to see it, and get out from under it. There are relationships that don't include abuse and toxicity, Adam,

This bitch:

Don’t forget the tater tots.

That’s a lithopedion, that ain’t no pearl.

Or has he......

My only question is, while it’s clear that Lara hasn’t escaped the required plastic surgery, how is it that she’s so far managed to resist the mandated bleached to hell and back mop of hair?

I’m pretty okay, and I’m on the couch scarfing down a Lean Cuisine ignoring these two dogs, wondering where the third one is. They’ve been fed, so it’s nappy time for them. Brigitte is probably looking at nanny sites, because we all know she ain’t taking care of any babies on her own. She’s got shit to do.

According to Reality Steve, Colton not only dm’d Becca’s friend Tia, they were dating, and he ghosted her to be on the show with Becca. He makes it to the final four, Tia shows up to tell Becca that she still has feeling for Mr. Practice Squad, and he gets dumped. How much of this is accurate, who knows, but then

My smartass Casey and sweet Abbey are joining in the play circle:)

Cone now, Jillian, I just now found this lovely line up for you, at the Marshalls where I’m visiting. You know you want them.

Cone now, Jillian, I just now found this lovely line up for you, at the Marshalls where I’m visiting. You know you

I’ll star you for “dress up my cat.” :)

Sticky, melty, lick my fingers yummy. Don’t even care.