If by food you mean coke, then yes.
If by food you mean coke, then yes.
In some states, it’s a class 4 felony. In 2018.
I totally want that signed cutting board, and that cute blue table that already has bids. I’m going back in...
She doesn’t have her boobs on display.
It’s just this....gross, gelatinous mass of fat and blobiness and *shiver* vom.
All I could think of was the damage to the drywall, and how they would basically have to replace it all when they took those tacky things off the walls.
May I remind you of the plastic flower bathroom and the cardboard furniture bedroom? Classics.
I refuse to even read that person’s comments. It’s beyond annoying, so I just pass them by. I know it’s meant to grab attention and say “look at me!” but to me, it’s a signal to keep on moving.
I love and miss her shows!!!! Bring her back! She used to air on HGTV here in the States, back when we also had fun Design on a Dime-type shows and actual gardening shows, and Candace Olsen, and staging shows .....sigh, I miss those days.
In Virginia, it’s only a year if you have children under 18. It’s six months otherwise.
Well, his face also looks like a potato, so.
Same, and I’m mid-50s, and I’m SO OVER IT.
I’m so sorry Floppy. I know the feeling and it’s such a sad emptiness, like there is nothing you can do to make it better. Just love your baby and be there. Hugs.
What a sweet boy. I’ve been where you are twice and it’s a hole that never leaves. I’ll tell my Casey and Abbey to look for your Bo, and show him all the best swimming spots.
This gave me a serious hee haw!
I’m pretty sure that baby was handed off to the closest nanny as soon as the shoot was finished.
You’re brilliant, as always. We need action, and it starts at the bottom and works its way up.
I came here to say the same thing. Like it’s a baby doll someone handed her to hold. No closeness or connection. Just a prop, or a thing to hold while she stares into the camera showing off her makeup and expensive clothing. The photo made me feel sad for her.
Whatever, I just hope she negotiated for a much better make-up artist than whoever did her face for that special she was on Tuesday night, because that was painful. She’s an attractive woman; she must have pissed off the artist mightily, because you wouldn’t have known it that night.