Same, but I want to dish on Whisper Bitch and have someone at least try to decipher what the fuck she’s saying, because I don’t understand but maybe one in five words, and that’s “like,” which seems to be the majority of her vocabulary.
Same, but I want to dish on Whisper Bitch and have someone at least try to decipher what the fuck she’s saying, because I don’t understand but maybe one in five words, and that’s “like,” which seems to be the majority of her vocabulary.
I’m just wondering where the Bachelor next-day post-mortems have been lately. I’ve been searching and wondering on Tuesdays to no avail lately, and I’m worried that the recapper has died of boredom. Please send up an SOS.
I’ve never done that many times, at the beach on hot days. Ever.
We don’t interact, but I do follow SNS and know your story. I flagged that skeezy comment, and hope you are doing well.
~~~ Lifting you ~~~ as we say in my group of friends. May you find some peace and love within your home, with your dog by your side.
She looked like this before she had cancer. She has always looked like this.
My fever finally broke today after six days, and mine has been brutal. I have coughed until I vomited, and choked on my own mucus more than once. Today was the first time since last Tuesday that I’ve had the strength to take a shower. I’m glad to hear your symptoms were mild; my son’s were, as well, which made me…
Awww, what a good dog. My grandfather chose at-home hospice after some time in in-patient hospice, and all the cats and dogs (my grandmother rescued...a lot) were such a comfort to him.
I’m sorry, Bernd. This is a shitty thing happening to all of you. Is there a way for you to bring your dog in to see your husband so he can get a feel of what’s happening? That way he’ll know he’s not being left again, maybe? I don’t know how it works, but I’m sure your dog feels your grief and will be by your side.
Thank you. I coughed until I puked last night, but I think my fever has broken today, so there’s that. And I may get a shower some time in the next two days, which will make it a week, if I can get my hands over my head to wash my hair 😊
I have the goddamned flu. It is misery. I got my flu shot in the early Fall, but as we know, it doesn’t cover all strains of the flu. So my physician husband brought it home and spread it around, genius that he is, and now I’m a disgusting, horking, sweaty, feverish mess who hasn’t been this sick in years and I’m…
I’m. On. Fire. I hope you avoid all this misery, now and forever!
The horking, it is the sexy.
Same. I have some gross shit coming up. Like where does it even come from.
The skiiiiiiiinnnnn. I’m in so much pain that I couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time and peed myself twice yesterday and had to change clothes both times. It hurt so bad.
I got my flu shot when they first came out. I’m currently on the couch with a 103° temp for the second day in a row wishing for a coma, because as usual, it doesn’t cover all strains of the flu, and my dumbass husband brought it home, probably from his patients, and now our son, who is supposed to head back to college…
Okay a. Chris Harrison was laying down the burns while commentating that race; b. someone had “back that ass up” spray painted on their car, which was BRILLIANT; and c. I’m such a bitch, I would have totally targeted Bumper Car Trauma Girl like all hell, with glee.
I also enjoyed the burns Chris Harrison laid down during the race when he was in the emcee booth. When he’s not reading lines to the camera, he’s a pretty funny guy.
Sienne is waaaaay to good for his bland ass, as is Bekah, and I’m loving Tia, as well. The others are basically interchangeable mermaid hairs.