
Haha, dogs are all-knowing and mysterious creatures. Mine surprise me every day! (I have three.) One of mine was trying to drink out of our frozen over pool today. In the pouring down snow. I don’t get it.

Oh, dear. Well, it’s just a rug and it makes him happy, so 😊 Skye sometimes misses, but it’s on tile, so it’s easy to clean up and I forgive her because she’s old and adorable and paid her dues.

Pee pads. My oldest little doggo has decided to not go out the dog door anymore with the big dogs, so I buy huge boxes of pee pads at Petsmart.

I’m also an olde here, since Jezebel was a baby, and I do miss some things, but my favorite change was the moratorium on “Cute shoes!”

Is that a marble slab shower??

I mean, I’m a child of the 70's, so I think these are fine. I can’t wear heels of any sort, but if I could, I would have to say 8/10, would wear.

Ack, she’s a teenager now?? How did that happen already? My kid is in college now, so I guess I can’t talk, but christ on a trike, time flies.

I have Hashimoto’s, and it is literally one life-saving pill a day. A tiny one. Before I was diagnosed at 32, my life and health were going steadily downhill. No amount of woo or vitamins will replace the thyroid that destroyed itself.

Toby Keith, for danged sure.

How these idiots cannot get it through their racist little heads already, I do not understand.

And you are also a fucking idiot.

You are a fucking idiot.

And once again, there are black people on this post TELLING US how they feel about the use of that word by us white people, and there are idiots STILL arguing with them. Listen to what people tell you, dammit. IT IS NOT OKAY.

That “cracked” abs thing she’s got going on (the deep divot) is supposedly the new thigh gap. It’s fucking gross.

My fave part of photos is looking at the background to see what’s really there and the details of their homes.

I still want that cape she’s wearing, though.

Yay for hounds! This is Allie, my second rescue hound. She sees ghosts, eats turds, swims in my pool in the dead of Winter, snuggles like a champ, and adores my girlfriend with the strength of a thousand suns. I’m on my second privacy fence because she ate the first one.

Why the hell anyone would eat Reese’s Pieces when there are M&Ms to be found is beyond me.

How I feel about Bobby ABANDONING US.

I mean, this feels like one of those relationships where the other person is soooo into you and you’re hanging back and they’re like, no this is going to be great and you’re like okay, fine, and right when you start to really get into the relationship, too....