Geraldine Blank

He’s saying that anything that does not rise to the level of the Holocaust is not worth complaining about. And, most importantly, he’s saying that the Holocaust was a one-off event, and none of the moral issues raised by it can or should be considered in any way to our current political reality.

It was just a few clerical mistakes, why doesn’t everyone relax? Just like if I made the mistake of giving a statement to police that said a criminal suspect was with me at the time of a murder and it was later proven to be false, they’d chalk it up to no harm no foul.  

A significant majority of criminal judges in Cook County (and I suspect in most counties) are former state’s attorneys. That means their career was built on working hand in glove with police officers, papering over their misdeed and mistakes and never ever embarrassing or significantly crossing them without risking

I think we can all agree about what voice she should use.  

All of this indicates that Mueller is getting close

This is probably less about ratings than the fact that the original hosts all have college-age kids now and they just want to keep an eye on them.  

You left off The Dictator from his resume.  He’s still in that.  

Yes, I’m sure that’s it.  The problem couldn’t be the harrumphing scold on the internet being a doofus.  

After you’ve spent that much on the bourbon, RC is all you can afford as a mixer.  

Exactly,  & that’s why “Midwest” is not helpful.  Michigan and Nebraska shouldn’t be lumped in together.  

I think part of the problem is the fast & loose use of “midwest.”  If Ohio and Indiana are midwest, then Minnesota and the Dakotas definitely aren’t, and vice versa.  

That’s a really good point. What’s the point in enjoying something special-- we should all just shoot for the lowest common denominator and accept that anything else is pointless. See you at McDonald’s!

Jeff Sessions is available, I hear.  

Kelly vs. Melania, huh?  Sometimes you have to root for the knife.

Well, ok, but you recognize why that’s still a hell of a takeaway to get from Point A to Point B, right?

Fair point. Don’t they realize that there is no room for this kind of regional navel-gazing and thinkpieces about Brooklyn by 26 year olds who moved there two years ago are what the public wants?

That’s a hell of a takeaway from someone referencing hotdish.  

Unless watching the show gives him the ability to travel in time and rewrite the last two books to excise the sub-plots and streamline the remainder, I’m not sure how that’s going to be helpful.  

If the issue was greed, he’d have rushed through the book and put out something he didn’t care about, or just have someone else do it and put his name on it. He’s not getting rich(er) by not publishing these books.  

“The Winds of Winter is not so much a novel as a dozen novels, each with a different protagonist, each having a different cast of supporting players, antagonists, allies and lovers around them, and all of these weaving together against the march of time in an extremely complex fashion. So it’s very, very challenging.”