Geraldine Blank

I remember the first time I heard that FX were doing a Fargo series and I went into it without expecting much. It’s now probably one of my favourite tv shows and I think that Season 2 is probably one of the finest seasons of television ever produced.

Yeah, it’s pretty clearly “Let’s spend 5 hours recreating fun, pulpy, 40s, 50s and 60s schlock, with incredible execution.”

I can’t say I shared the frustration. Even with the recruitment scenes and backstory I felt it moved swiftly and had solid tension that built throughout.

Sounds like you didn’t understand the movie. That was very clear  

“Stupid and feckless” covers most of the Ancient Greek pantheon.

Welp, that’s just depressing.

There are a lot of things that get severely under-rated by most folks. And severely over-rated by its fans. The Office is a classic example of that.

I think the show’s decline definitely did a lot to hurt its reputation but a) I would argue it had five great seasons and b) Those first 100 episodes are so endlessly rewatchable that you cannot deny its enduring popularity with future generations and how just how influential half of the series’ run was on shows that

Yeah, and if your aunt had balls she’d be your uncle. The fact is our drivers aren’t educated and they have fuckall for lane discipline and situational awareness. Also, as others have pointed out, the majority of our highways weren’t built and certainly aren’t maintained nearly up to autobahn snuff. We’d need to strip

If the answer is that there is not enough blue dong, we can all agree with that.

I know I’ll probably regret this, but I’ll bite, why exactly should we be embarrassed by watching this?

I miss this comic beyond words.

The Trump boys got fewer chins than a Belfast phonebook. 

Great, now we’re not getting the show *either*.

Martin Scorses is such a great director, it almost makes me not think for a second about what an absolute shitheel and incompetent Jim Spanfeller is. 

So, he was an absolute moron with terrible judgment. But he confronted his stupidity, accepted his wrongness, and learned. In 2019, that seems like a fucking miracle.

Honestly, I feel like giving this guy a parade.

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.