Geraldine Blank

As long as we promise to also recognize a good-natured joke in reply, sure!

He’ll never beat Khabib. The fight wasn’t close, and the gap is only going to grow bigger as McGregor gets slower.  

I’ve been a little baffled by the AV Club’s animus to this show for a while now.  It’s not perfect, of course, but it’s pretty damn engrossing and there are a lot of really interesting actors doing good work in it.  

Laura Linney is really, really great in this, but let’s not say things we’ll regret.  

At the Mr. Show live tour in Chicago, a bunch of rowdies were yelling to the stage about who knows what and were fully expecting Bob & David to reciprocate, and Bob laid down the most dad “I’m not mad at you, I’m just disappointed you would act like this” scolding accompanied by a weary shaking of his head I’ve ever

But McGregor is a Brown belt in Brazilian Jui-jitsu. He absolutely knows what’s going on, what to do.

Unless and until McGregor is able to prevent Khabib from taking him down, putting him in terrible position up against the fence with his legs crossed and trapped, and mauling the hell out of him, the fight is not going to go any differently.  

Yes, because no permanent damage can come from having your neck cranked by an insanely strong person who is insanely good at twisting someone else’s body parts and also wants to do you harm.

When you and your friends are in a fight against another group of people, you swing on whoever is in range.

does McGregor stand any real chance of upsetting Khabib in a rematch?

You’re right, “idiotically bigoted” would be much more accurate.  Happy?  

Weak?  Dude, whatever else one thinks about McGregor, tapping out to a neck crank being applied by an insanely strong grappler with bad intentions is not an unreasonable thing to do. Sure, McGregor could have held on until there was permanent damage done or his damn neck was broken, but I’m not sure that’s the tough

I think that’s the point. Nothing leads one to believe that the outcome of a second fight would be any different, and it’s hard to see how they could have possibly justified it on any kind of legitimate sport grounds.  Now, they have the rationale handed to them on a silver platter, with the bonus of making people

Ah, you believe not being catered to sufficiently for a consumer product is the same thing as being “penalized.

They are clogging up showrooms so I don’t even have a choice when I want to buy a car.

I stumbled on this story and find all of this fascinating. Could you explain how you are being penalized by other people driving cars you don’t like?

Yes, I understand that. It remains unclear why these two alternates were dismissed, as opposed to the others.

Generally correct but not in this case. They actually had five alternate jurors, three of whom were sequestered with the jury after deliberations began.  It’s not clear why these two were dismissed.  

I dunno, he makes a really good point. How can you hold something against a person who is about to sit on the highest court in the country for a lifetime appointment if someone else did something like it in a movie?

You seem sleepy.  Maybe take the rest of the day off.