Geraldine Blank

Let me explain where you’ve gone wrong here. Last week’s hearing was not called due to allegations that Brett Kavanaugh liked to party when he was in high school, or drank a bunch when he was in college. He was being accused of sexual assault.

You think that little shit wouldn’t volunteer in a minute to be a camp guard and/or help round up kids hiding in attics for a few extra privileges?  

I disagree that it screws anything up. It frames why he was so protective of his Madrigal crew, not wanting his failure to repeat itself with another dozen dead bodies who trusted him, and it makes clear that his allegory about half-measures was intended as a lesson to himself as much as Walt.  

Mike is a man of principal and it’s likely that this will end on a brutal note and it’s sad to think that Werner may mark the first blood in Mike’s association with Gus.

This isn’t about the owner making money, it’sabout not going over the salary cap.

Of course there are others.  Indulging sadism, for example.  

That comparison to a roller coaster or a haunted house is interesting. Those things are intended to be exhilarating (or at least thrilling) for the participant.  I just have a hard time equating subjecting one’s self to scenes of extreme gore and human misery to Batman:  The Ride.  

Certainly.  Is that what you get out of them?  

Do people really...enjoy these movies? What I mean is, does anyone feel good about themselves or the world or like they’ve made themselves better having watched these things?  

What if a wizard did it?

Hey Tom, can you do me a solid and un-grey?

Let’s hope this is as far as the parallels to Chris Benoit go.  Fuck.  

It’s scary enough when a guy is having mental health issues and has access to firearms, but when the dude is 6'3" 275 lb world class athlete to boot, that’s just terrifying for everyone involved. What the hell is an EMT or a hotel clerk or a cop supposed to do if that guy is having a breakdown and becomes violent? 

It’s a shame, really.  The entire city is a wasteland of burning barrels and dog soldiers.  Thanks, Obama.  

The 7th Circuit was terrified that it might have to open the can of worms about what role confessions actually play in our criminal justice system and what our understanding of coercion actually means. Cheers to Wood and Rovner for writing good dissents, jeers to the four justices who guaranteed this man will die in

You’re pissed about who was on the cover of People magazine.  Let’s let that sink in for a moment.  

Thank goodness somebody made this about Boston.  Good job.

They’ve gotten massive tax cuts for the wealthy, they’ve made enormous strides in dismantling the regulatory state, they’ve appointed a bunch of judges who will reshape the judiciary for a generation, and they’ve thrown our status on the international stage into chaos.  For starters.  

Yes, that’s what I was doing, denying climate change.  Good job spotting that and making sure we all knew you’re the only one who cares.  Here’s a cookie and a sticker, take the rest of the day off.  

Ah, I see. You’re one of those folks who thinks that playing hide the ball with what you’re trying to say makes you seem smart, and for whom freshman lounge musings pass for profundity.