Geraldine Blank

Stating the obvious is so composed.”

I take your point about the fragility of modernity on a lot of levels, but I don’t think that the awareness of being one the verge of catastrophe is anything new.  Pre-industrial societies not dependent on GPS satellites or just in time delivery to the grocery store were still one bad harvest or a natural disaster

Existential nihilism is so edgy.  

I’m not even sure what you mean, much less whether I can accept it or not.  

**taking notes**  With less cannibalism, you say?

But the idea of roasting a nice duck over an open fire with some foraged chantarelles before whittling a bit by gaslight in your log cabin without having to check your work email at 11:45 before going to sleep or worry about your student loan payment next month sounds so lovely!

Meh, you had a good run.  

Every generation wants to feel like it is living in some kind of culminating time where everything has changed or is about to change—that we’re either on a precipice or have just jumped off a precipice into something wonderful/horrible. It has always been thus.

It would be interesting to see a where are they now with everyone, and show Don just being boring as hell. Just a super middle of the road Reagan conservative asshole who burned out all his creativity and drama and existential angst long ago in a different part of his life, and spends his remaining energy on golf and

Next they should do a video about how Peggy and Joan just might be a symbols for women navigating the workplace in mid-20th century America, and the different challenges they face might be intended to mirror issues other women faced in the office during that period.  

I think the author is playing pretty fast and loose with what constitutes a “great” job, internet.

No, what I was saying is that the article being discussed references Few, not Koval as the distillery from Illinois, unless I am missing some other part of the article. That’s why I was curious why the author said the list included Koval.

The Illinois selection is Few, not Koval, isn’t it?  

Jesus Christ--I was skeptical as hell about Nixon’s qualifications to hold this office (and still am), but Cuomo sure a fuck is dead set on outweighing those concerns with his own unrepentant shittiness.  

That’s legitimately kind of sad. PR was pretty padded out over the last few seasons, but it was still one of the few shows where people were people who were legitimately good at something interesting were competing without manufactured drama.

If you’da told someone in 2005 that Bautista would turn out to be a remarkably thoughtful and principled person who weighed in on difficult topics carefully and was a really good actor to boot, I’m not sure a bunch of folks would have believed you.  

To make those choices in life, there has to be deep damage.

Yeah, those who don’t know any better and do things like insist that the AR-15 was actually a sporting rifle converted to use as a military platform?

Demonize?  No.  Recognize that it was intended to be a weapon of war that was really good for killing a bunch of people in a short amount of time so we can have an honest conversation about whether these rifles have any legitimate place in our country?  Yup.  

The 1989 Detroit Red Wings.