Geraldine Blank

No shorts in public. No cream or sugar in coffee. No trimming your beard above your collarbone. No hugging your kids where others might see. No singing. Military service until discharged or the war is won.

Goddammit universe, you win! You’ve presented a reality in which I side with SmashMouth in a dispute.  Happy now? 

What are we complaining about here? Who in their right mind would want their kids eating a bunch of weeds in their cereal!?

No, there is literally nothing his base won’t accept.  

I like Howard as the Hank figure in BCS. He gets a lot of hate, but he’s mostly just trying to do the right thing and do his job.  

I dunno, they guy has a point. Free weight areas at the gym are notoriously the territory of strict Buddhist practitioners who have spent years meditating to eliminate the Anatta, or conception of self contained in the ego.

Could you find a way to critique corporate farming practices and sub-prime lending in there as well?  

If there is anything more traditionally masculine than regularly showing everyone your exercise routine and constantly talking about your own masculinity, I’m not sure what it would be. Think of all the great icons of masculinity: Erwin Rommel, John Wayne, the Brawny Paper Towel Guy, they all did it.  

Scientists figured out that if you laid all the cleavage displayed in Charmed end to end, you could circle the moon three times with tits.  

Next time you’re at the gym in the morning and one of the TVs is playing Charmed, as it inevitably will be, play this fun game: count the number of times you see conspicuous chokers, dark lipstick, overalls, and turtlenecks, and try and place the episode in the proper 1990's context.

An absolute unit.  

The system designed to combat porn spamming sure works well to make sure about 10% of folks account for 50% of the visible comments.

Nothing says you don’t care like blocks of text. 

And you keep going!  You aren’t kidding about that lack of shame part, I’ll give you that.  

That’s an interesting takeway, because I interpreted the later seasons of BB just the opposite. For me, the consequences of the more comical/farcical elements of the earlier Winnebago seasons all started to come home to roost, with Dead Freight being the most clear example.

We have to be seen to care, even when we don’t and we’re totally anonymous, because Sky Daddy is watching or whatever.

So the multiple people telling you that this kind of reaction rings true to them are...wrong? You think that showing a family relationship that was toxic and fraught with problems, but still produced emotional trauma at the end is not realistic?

I disagree in that I think Jimmy is a lovable person with a gentle soul, but who inevitably destroys (or brings destruction) on everyone around him because he can’t help being who he is. He’s a tragic figure because he knows what he’s doing is wrong, but does it anyway, then feels bad about it, then just does it all

Kim and Howard bond over being fellow victims of the McGill brothers’ pathos, and leave New Mexico for California to start up the LA Law reboot.

You think it’s unrealistic to show that siblings can have an unhealthy relationship and still grieve when one of them dies?