Georgia O'Queeffe

I am so ashamed to admit I clicked on the Kylie Jenner ear contouring link. Usually, the blurbs are enough for me but that one really got me wondering. Well played.

I accept your thanks :)

Thanks for understanding and respecting the nuance. I don't have the same opinion as you but that's okay. High five for a civil discussion! Seriously, I’m proud of us.

I'm just waiting for an implication that anyone who interpreted it that way is on their period.

While waiting for my tea to finish steeping... Oh lord, that is going to be some very strong tea >_<

That particular flavor of misogyny- yes that’s the direction it’s coming from. It’s more palatable than the overt misogyny on the right, but still bitter. Note, I’m referring to instances when it happens- not “all Bernie supporters.” I’m saying people who say misogynistic things are being mysogynistic, which sounds

Very true, can’t believe some people don’t see it! Wait, I completely believe some people don’t see it. Ugh, how much overlap do you think there is between these folks and the ones who believe that the Oscar acting nominees all happen to be white because “they gave the best performances?”

I'm with you, but I have a feeling you are going to have to add something stronger to your coffee soon if you keep trying to explain what seems to me to be a clear, rational argument to the citizens of the internetz. Keep up the good work!

Yes! Thank you for saying this:

Unfortunately, I think there is some overlap. Some of the misogyny directed at Hillary reminds me of “hipster racism” wherein a group hides their prejudice by claiming that they are “just saying” but lolz because there's no way they could ever be racist/ misogynist.

Thanks for putting this together so well!

Omg, thank you! I think it was ignored and underrated. I’m a freak for sci-fi and it was so perfect to me. I even wrote an Art History paper on its use of gesture and embodiment.

Ex Machina is definitely worth a watch if you are in the mood for a claustrophobic sci-fi.

I did see it! It was absolutely perfect science fiction. I am so impressed with the stories they come up with! Loved it.

Based on my personal experience- don’t do it so soon!

Imma let you finish, but Black Mirror is the greatest show ever!


There's definitely a point where her sending the pic would be just as problematic. Yikes, I don't thinks there's any reason to send sibling genital pics. Coincidentally, that's a great band name although there may be some marketing issues.

Yes, I could have been more clear: based on the original case it seems he is legally innocent although I still think he is most likely responsible for her death. I'm not supportive of a rigged trial because the police didn't do their jobs right. I don't think the distinction is being made enough- partly because of

Ugh. Yup.