Assistant Waterboy


Only three? Child’s play.

Won’t someone think of the venture capitalists?

Russell Wilson’s D also really resents Russell Wilson, said myself and a dozen other people about to make the same joke.

“Game 3 is Sunday night.”

Where do you live? We can send you a care package.

I just grabbed a snack from the office kitchen. Thanks, I am now no longer hungry.

You need a lot of help.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

Of course police told them they did nothing wrong; prostitution is completely legal in Horry County.

The problem ain’t the farmer’s breakfast. Its when the farmer has a farmer’s breakfast without doing the farmer’s work.

Seriously? How is this post-worthy. How do people own cars and not know what these are.

I got a grip. I don't drive like a homicidal maniac.

There's a difference between accidentally not calling your mother for a month and accidentally shooting her in the face with a gun.

everyone's done something similar to this woman.

kids don't deserve cancer.

I don't feel like she deserves to die, but I do feel like she got exactly what was coming to her for the mistake, the consequence was not undeserved. My thought process is simply that the mistake she made could have definitely killed others and similar mistakes have in the past.

Everyone's cut across two lanes without looking? You do something dumb you get consequences it's that simple.

I agree with the "had it coming" remark. She did deserve it, she made a reckless stupid manoeuvre and was lucky she only dented a truck and didn't kill a family in a smaller car or something.

Honestly, it's not about the complaint as much as it is how you phrase it. Someone below said he/she recommended "not being a total dick to the hotel staff." That's a LOT of what it's all about. If you're staying in a hotel that requires travel on a major, clogged traffic artery to get there, chances are folks are